the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

HI! I just got done eating... I was good and I didn't buy anything from the food cafeteria place... even though I was quite tempted for either Jamba or a crepe or both... so yay for me. Before I got here to eat, I spent a little over @ the hour for the gym... it was funn... it's that good kind of sweat, the productive kind that makes you feel like you accomplished something...

Hey! Hillary Duff is where I used to vacation... in Kauai... & she goes and explores the coastline where I snorkeled... it's always funn when you see a place you've been on TV, isn't it?... maybe it's just me...

Speaking of TV, on Geary Street, there's a place called "Cha's Television". I want to take a picture of it...

I don't know what else... nothing happened today really... I got a 90% on my politics quiz! =D & then I had my stats test today & for the most part it was alright... we'll see... =/ same with the French quiz I took the other day.

Okay... I have some stuff on my mind but nothing I want to verbalize...


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