the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Yo yo yo whatsup?? We'z about to get busay, and rock the CK off ya panties...

Sorry that "Bring it On " excerpt just jumped into my head. It's out now.

Blueberries aren't blue. When Violet what's her name turned into a blueberry in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", her dad even said, "Violet, you're turning violet!". Blueberries aren't blue. Whoever named them was obviously color blind to the extreme. BLUTOPIA IS SEXY! (Tricia, that one was for you! "Oy!")

Yay to all those who got my cards. It was really really helpful talking to Jami last night... it's nice to know that not giving in to the crowd and the flow or whatever is okay, & I'm not the only one who thinks so, even if I am the only one who actively practices it. (Did that make sense? That's okay. In my head it does.)

I want a chocolate chip cookie. Soft baked. Mrs. Fields, preferably, but many mall brands can suffice. I wonder if a granola bar with chocolate chips will cover my craving.

Things I want to eat but because of lack of funds and transportation cannot at the moment: lasagna, chow fun, Bankok Noodles, dim sum, fried calamari, chocolate croissants, chocolate chip cookies, blueberry waffles, Wendy's chicken nuggets, lobster, crab...

The list will go on.

Shit who the hell are these people that think they "know me"? You know where I work? With your mom! No seriously, I have a secretarial job now.

HAPPY 22 MONTH ANNIVERSARY MICHAEL! I want my leftovers now. =(

"YEAH! Got the... Holy Spirit! You should get on that train, it's a good one..." Italian Job rocks.

My paper must now get criticized by seventeen of my peers. GREAT.

I have a plan for eating now! I'm excited for crepes and ice cream. The soft frozen machine works! But there are no cones so I always have to carry it. Dammit. That'll be my reward after Written & Oral class... ice cream. =)


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