the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Monday, November 03, 2003

Hmm yes... so I like how my friends have told me that my Thanksgiving weekend is for being with Guna & Jae... yay...

My back hurts. I feel broken. I hate being on my period.

I really want a crepe but the "Crepe Man" wasn't at his station when I went half an hour ago. Erego, I must return to the scene of the crime and claim the strawberry brown sugar nutella crepe that is rightfully mine.

Cha (who apparently likes dog vomit??) will be the lucky recipient of a long pencil note type letter in the future. Yes.

I'm doing something that I never thought I'd be doing... but it's for a good cause... isn't it Chrissy & Tricia & Sean & Jae & John??? Haha... I can't put it up here tho... yeah... as Tricia said, I've crossed over to the dark side... but I'm not addicted! Only in good causes... meaning not for me!!

I miss KFC.

I REALLY REALLY dont want to do my paper. If I still had time to procrastinate, I would. I really really would. I wish I had some coffee here. Good coffee. I don't feel like walking to Club Ed for some Peet's. Nor do I feel like spending actual money on Starbucks.

My feet are cold. Is it crepe time yet?


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