the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I have my banana cream crepe now... it's not as good as Michael's was when he got one at Sophie's Crepes @ Japantown...

& I got a bottle of Sprite & a bottle of lemonade... so I'm going to mix it a la Cha's roommate... mmm...

So I didn't say that Michael & I went on a sort of double date on Friday... with my parents!!! Haha... cause my parents asked me if I wanted to go watch Elf with them but I knew Michael would get mad at me if I saw it without him so I called him up and asked him if he wanted to go with us... so yes! I thought that was worth mentioning...

Okay so I got the feedback on the automatic toilets... and I like them cause I'm lazy so it's like you forget to flush... and the toilet does it for you!... but what I don't like here are the automatic doors! They have labels that say they're automatic doors... the ones that sense your being there and open for you... but then sometimes they don't! Or they have a delayed reaction so they don't open until like your nose is touching the glass... so yes... that is my opinion...

Yeah this crepe isn't as fulfilling as I thought it would be. It's still pretty good tho.


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