the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Monotone type entry ahead. Please don't let it get you down... so you don't have to read it, just in case you get mad that it gets you down once you do.

Thinking is dangerous. That's why I do too much of it. Danger is my middle name.

Thinking about... people mostly. Past relationships. Not just romantic relationships, just... relationships. Friendships. Past relationships. Not sad they existed... no regrets...

Drama (no matter what my roommate says) is bad. Negativity is bad. Change is... inevitable.

Doesn't it suck when peoples' personalities change for the worse? Especially when it's specifically for someone... but not if you think that you'll be a better person because of it... because people need to progress.. can't be stuck in the selfish spoiled rut forever...

If anyone thinks I'm targeting them in this blog... one, it's my own fault for writing it... two, it's their own fault for taking it the wrong way & letting themselves feel that way so easily... three, if you knew me & talked to me, you'd understand all this, so please don't think that you do.

Cooking. Baking. No soda. Cats.

I miss the simple calling just to say hi and see what you're doing phone calls. From the bf in particular (altho if you think I'm targeting you, that phone call would most likely be quite welcome).

I wish it was January 4th already. I want to skip Christmas because I feel a little undeserving & a little misunderstood.

The sprinkles I spoke of yesterday are responsible for my sore toes. Glass jars don't break if they fall on your foot, did you know that? I do.


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