the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Why are there so many things to get my boyfriend for his birthday/Valentine's Day (because I am the poor college student with no job right now!)?!?! I think I'm set tho... I hope so anyway...

UHM. Tricia I want to send you mail... when I get time & I don't have two papers due okay?? I promise! Murray's going to die!

There's more I want to say but I really don't and I'm not sure so yeah...

Joe thanks for talking to me... being objective... it's nice... you too NA... I heart you both!

What else? I really don't know. I'm loving the school life... maybe I could say the geek thing... how I like the classes...

I want boba now. Haven't been to Sweet Delite in awhile... voted best tapioca drinks in the city by KPIX & Don Bleu with star101.3

What else... why is Murray dying??... UHM dammit... Marlena's the serial killer!... and I don't know what else... my mind's been sorta blurry lately... indeed.

GUNA I want to talk to you! I need you to ease some fears of mine. OH & remind me to tell you about something... YES. I'll try not to forget like last time.

Anticipating and dreading the weekend all at once. HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY, saluting our country's original warmongers!


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