the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

My internet stopped working last night. Too bad I had a research paper to start. Oh well, I survived and here I am.

Anyways, where do I start... Monday? Je desteste mon classe de Francais parce qu'il est stupide, il parle Francais tout le temps et les etudiantes n'ont comprend pas. Les examens ont stupide, avec vocabulaire nous ne etudie pas parce que le vocabulaire, dans le livre, non!!! Mon Dieu...

Michael came over Monday night because I was acting up... we shared a chicken, mushroom, & spinach calzone... for some reason the past two nights I've been waking up, thinking it's time to wake up, thinking that I heard an alarm or something like that, and it's really like an hour or two before the time... sorry Michael...

Tuesday morning had breakfast with the bf, then left him by his lonesome while I went to politics... after grabbing some Jamba, we were on our way to get lost on the way to the Exploratorium... almost accidentally went on the bridge... so we pretended we were little kids on a field trip because we never got to go there as children... it was all science science... Michael's forte, not mine... then we moved onto my forte... FOOD... went to CA Pizza Kitchen, where Michael soaked his pizza in extra hoisin... then he made my dreams come true by treating me to boba...

Now... there were things I wanted to talk about but I completely forgot what now.

It's nice to be noticed, especially when you think that you're invisible...

Guna, the Roses Video... I just really like the song... and the color is all funn... yeah it's funn but it's not like groundbreaking or anything... haha by the way the video for Kanye's All Falls Down is cute too.

Hi Jami. I heart you. Our bfs are oblivious. Gotta spell out everything. After a million fights, it's something you find out. =/ It's a good thing that boyfriends are nice to look at, otherwise...

Michael + hoisin = scary.


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