the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Sunday, November 21, 2004

To be used for nostalgic purposes only, if you watched Nickeoldeon from its conception on cable TV until 94... gotta love that groupthink.

Had a great weekend... it's on the downhill slope, and has been so since last night but what can you do... it makes me miss Thursday&Friday&early Saturday. But I do have Thanksgiving to look forward to. Maybe I'll go over the better parts another time... My mom called Jay-Z "JR" when I showed her the Rocawear bags at Macy's.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two years can be a short or a long time; it depends on the situation that one is speaking of and the people that are involved in said situation. I, personally, do not think that it is a long time for a relationship, which I assume that you are insinuating. I think that you are fortunate to find someone who you are able to be with for that ammount of time and still hold onto an element of happiness. Not everyone is lucky to have something that intense. I love you a lot and hope to at least have coffee with you during break. Ciao, bella <3 chrissytina

2:05 PM  

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