the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Sunday, April 24, 2005

You've got the key to my heart
Right here in my arms
I'll keep you safe and warm
And you'll never have to worry
Never want for nothing, cause I'm...
I'm the prince you've charmed...

Wow. I'm such a bopper. Youngstown rocks tho. It's nice to know that a bopper song can make you feel better tho.

I loved seeing familiar faces this weekend. Surprise, Guna. I love you, best friends 4 eva indeed. twas really nice seeing everyone... once again, learning the difference between acquaintances and friends. you can be acquaintaned with someone for like, ten years, but i can still find a better friend, even if i've only know then for like, five years. im lucky to have friends that even if i dont talk to in awhile, when we do get to talk, it's comfortable and easy. nothing forced, nothing... nothing unnatural. it's just easy. i thank God that i have that in my life.

low key week. nothing big. im having some issues. times like this make me wish that... well, there's no time for that. just... pray for me, ok?

ER's on right now. I didnt do my philosophy hw but it's ok bc i can make it up. or i can do it later tonight/tomorrow. we'll see.

church felt good today. it made me wish that it wasnt just once a week. i wish i was back on retreat...


Blogger chawesome said...

sooo lets roooolll
you knooow
how, we doo
when i'm in the state of mind
to cruise
it's sooo
put the pedal to the steel and let it go! youngstown!!! whoo!! i still have the keychain!

3:04 PM  

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