the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Winter... all those holidays and gift exchanging or sometimes just gift giving... how do all of these people who don't have jobs pay for everything that they buy for themselves & others?

I'm rather depressed right now so... yeah you can stop reading now. Really...

I don't know... I just know that on Christmas & my birthday, a little more than a month after Christmas... it's like no one really knows me bc they get me gifts... like just to get me a gift, not bc they think I'll like it or something, but just because it's required. It's the thought that counts... but when it seems like no thought is put into it at all... why are you going to get someone a gift if you don't really care if they like it or not?

I guess that's why I get stressed out during this time of year because I'm worried if the people I'm giving the gift to is really going to like it or not... I mean... I know it's the thought that counts... but I want them to enjoy the gift and yeah... is that really so wrong?

Don't get me wrong... it's nice to be thought of when it's that time of year... really. & if you don't know me and you think that if I get a present that I wouldn't normally get myself, I don't throw it back in the face of the giver... I just get depressed sort of. I don't know why I'm like that...

I think it was like a year ago I was all depressed that I couldn't go shopping anymore... I didn't have any money so I didn't see the point... to look at a bunch of things that I can't have? That's just... I don't know... it's that whole getting your hopes up over nothing thing...

There's more going not so right in my life right now that I don't feel like professing over the internet, so don't think I'm getting especially dramatic over that gift thing.

I think my boyfriend's forgetting our anniversary in two weeks. =( It's supposed to be an important one too. Oh well, I guess it really isn't...

I only have three finals to look forward to... thankfully...

Anyone going to let me vent over what's REALLY bothering me? Actually, no, I take that back.. I want people to have a happy holiday and I don't want to bring them down...

& if you're asking then what's the point of this blog... can't say I didn't warn you... just had to let some stuff out, even tho I have to keep even more stuff inside...


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