the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Friday, April 09, 2004

Don't you love it when you're PMSing and literally everything that can go wrong does go wrong?

Ok, well, not everything, but more stuff than what should happen. Which is why I'm currently looking through an old contact in my left eye and a new one in my right. AND I know where I lost it... but it is what it is... LOST. @ least I can see, tho.

Michael's on his way to Santa Barbara right now, w/Dru & Camille for one of those car meety things... but he'll be back on Sunday in time to accompany me to purchase my first venti toffee nut latte in forty (plus) days, and then onward to the Roo's for Easter lunch @ the new apartment.

How come those CSI guys are so hott? It's like The Apprentice, where they're all smart and good looking, obviously obtaining the peak exclusive gene pool.

Nala and I played that game where she bats her paw at me, trying to scratch me while I wave my hand in front of her, trying to hit her paw before she can scratch me. She won... again.

Fasting makes you thirsty.


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