the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Monday, September 27, 2004

Hey yo. Nothing much going on... more like thinking about the past and the future... and just plain dealing with stuff now. Nothing major.

Was almost planning on going to Hot Import Daze on Saturday to support Andrew, bc his car will be there... but maybe not anymore... besides, I feel inadequate in those situations because there's way too many mixed Asian chicks in teeny bikinis who make me feel too ashamed of the rice belly.

Ok... so a friendship from the past... didn't exactly end too well... more like misunderstandings and lack of communication cuts it off... when you see that person like a year later... what's the status quo? Is it okay to treat them like any other friend you haven't seen in a long time? Saying that whole "HEY!!!" thing... because I did that twice... and got a lukewarm response. In those cases... I figured the past is in the past... but I'm guessing they weren't feeling the same way. I don't think I can blame them tho... bc towards someone else, I would react in the same way... or not even acknowledge them at all... but then I react differently bc this friendship was like, fourteen years old, versus four years... it's a debater... I miss Deanna... she'd be able to talk to me about stuff like this objectively and actually give me a response... but then sometimes I think stuff like this shouldn't be talked about anymore bc it's high school stuff & I'm determined not to have high school drama after high school. Hence the hermityness.

But yeah... don't wanna be bitter... too much energy... like I look at people sometimes and I think that's not what I want to be... in all fairness, I look at people and think that's what I want to be, but a lot less than when I think I don't want to be like them... in the mean way, in the overprotectiveness way, in the rude way, in the spoiled brat way... but that's why you don't like people, because they represent everything you don't like in yourself... right? Or something like that.

I love free radio stations online.

PS Stephie... thanks for making me feel useful. Professional Dance Team for life. Stop messing with my roommate's mind... she's hella gullible! We talked about Tommy Payne's Common Sense in class, and my teacher drew a swastika on the chalkboard. I thought about you.

Cha... stalker... visit me & we can eat where i eat... no bon appetite ok... and dont get robbed/stabbed/purse snatched/attacked on campus. don't you love the private school life of crime?

Where is everybody else?? I miss people. Thanks Guna... I love you for staying in touch. I'm SO PROUD of you!! Go for those twelve months, girl.


Blogger chawesome said...

dude, they found a dead body on the baseball field. someone shot him/her. what the hell is wrong with this school? i'm never leaving my room. stockton is ghetto. i'm like |--| this close to the baseball field. pray for my life. and for my o-chem exam tomorrow. and for you and what you've been pondering about in this entry. i miss deanna also. and i also like free radio stations online., yo. peace out, g2g shower.

10:47 PM  

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