the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hi there. My weekend was rather eventful... and while some of it was questionable, I have no regrets and I can safely assure you that it went over quite well. I last blogged on the bestfriendforever's birthday... that was Friday? Like early Friday, ok...

Took BART to Concord (no idea what you're talking about, Jae, the craziest thing I've experienced on bart was a mute beggar), met up with Michael, had some Japanese food, got a milkshake, & watched basketball.

bought these on Saturday, I could live in the Macy's shoe department quite happily because it's right next to the makeup counters, where all of the pre-collegiates are getting their makeup done under their perfectly hairsprayed curls and coifs... party hopped from fairfield to around glen cove, saw a bomb ass house, saw a two year old get romantically agressive with a one year old, saw chris, aileen, chrissytina, & chrissy, took a 'studio pic', followed chrissy to deanna's house, & got caught up.

people can always surprise you. you might things are one way, but if you're open enough to learn otherwise without expecting to learn anything... things just sorta happen. and that's good. closure is nice. laughing is better. deanna tells people that other people go out with "famous" people. if you dont know... now you know...

so what cds have i imported this weekend? brandy's never say never, aaliyah's one in a million, the american pie soundtrack, &... uhm... DREAM! remember dream??? OMG so that Making the Band 3 stuff is hella addicting. when they play all those episodes one after the other it's so hard not to get caught up in the drama in that house! it makes me miss dancing, a little. but i shall get my chance come Friday night. while wearing this. (it's a little slutty. i will NOT bend over)

i love my life because it's blessed. with good people and worthy experiences and a damned good education and the love of food. im lucky to have learned things early in life & that ive learned to become adaptable to situations that aren't the best... or at least... tried to have adapted... i have my faults, but if i dont let them get the best of me, them im ok. im ok.

ps. thanks michael, for being yourself this weekend. thanks for putting up with stuff that you wouldnt call putting up with. you got fed. sorry about ducky. i bought shoes, not cheese. are you sure you didnt write front & back because that's sooo bad. clearly, painting yourself the target here. i love you.

pps. whomever isnt michael here... I LOVE YOU TOO. promise. even if it's just a little bit. that's really all you need, anyway, is a little bit. watch love actually. you'll get it.


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