the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Harrroowwww? I'm back. Two week hiatus was nice. Needed that time to handle my isht. And I've been handling it... for the most part.

Do you consider work that's not paid to be work... if so then guess who "works" at City Hall in San Francisco now?? That's right bitches. Haha, just kidding. I won't gloat. Because I don't get paid. But it'll come off all sparkly on my resume, doncha think? Hopefully. I start on Wednesday.

There's a Halloweeny party going on somewhere closeby and I can hear constant "GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO WHOOOOO!!!"-ing going on. Wow, it's like a movie, with the chugging and everything. They're jamming Gwen Stefani right now, so it could be worse. Guess a girl can't watch her Monsters Inc in peace while mentally preparing for her midterm, can she? (Yes, I'm that multitasking, ain't it fabulous? Actually, sometimes not, so tomorrow I'll be all crackdown and head to the atrium to study good. I talk good.)

Yeah, Halloween parties just don't seem to be my thing, even though I had opportunties to go. Still getting over the sickness, so dressing up in lingerie and animal ears just isn't going to happen this year.

Did YOU get your flu shot yet? Free for Kaiser members!

Sorry I'm a little random. It's the tea; it kept me up last Monday.

My room is clean. I love it, even if it is just a little box. It's a yellow box.

Hungry. Laterrr.

PS Cha, watch GH on Monday, Liz & Lucky will say I do FINALLY. Her hair is too big tho.

PPS Haha, they were just starting in on their "GO GO GO..." 's again, and some chick said 'STOP! STOP!". And it wasn't me.

Hella random. Sorry. Have you tried a chocolate cluster at Starbucks? HEAVEN. You won't be sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JENGY! i got a flu shot. at kaiser. it was crazy. cones, lines, and nurses standing with carts full of flu shots that you just walk up to, stand there and get the damn shot. my arm still hurts. hahaha AND I WANT BAGEL BITES!!!!!!!!!

6:51 PM  

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