This was some of the stuff I was blessed with for my bday. it was pretty damn fantastic. I love hearing that you only turn 21 once. Pictures of me early on the evening can be found on Myspace & Facebook. Sadly, there are no pictures from when it got worse/better, like when I started calling everyone and telling them how much I loved them & when I took a couple of roomie shots. Or when I threw up. I love how everyone is in the bathroom with you when you throw up, it's cute.
Ok. I'll do a sober birthday recap because I don't know if the hungover version got it all. Was @ my parents' house in Vallejo, headed for the city with Michael. Got a quick lunch & some milk tea before heading to Stonestown, where I got some funn jewelry (I'm rocking these cute ass skull & crossbone post earrings right now, I heart them.). Got dressed up in my cute ass American Apparel dress shown above (in black - HELLA comfortable) & me & Michael went to Sushi Blowfish to Die For in the Mission district.
Bc Andrew & Camille thought that dinner was at six thirty, we were early, so we started on the drinks. No carding necessary apparently, as I am, as John & Stephie said in the happy birthday messages, an "old lady". I had a "Manga Mojito" that they put in the large hurricane glass. SF Dine About town had a good deal, so I had three courses that I could barely enjoy bc I was experiencing my first mini hangover. Sad, bc I had some good sushi, a Maui maki roll with tuna, mango, & macadamia nuts. Despite this, I still was determined to finish my "X Rated Martini". And I did. And then I went all on the upside hyphyness by the time I got back to the apartment. (I know they won't read this, but great thanks to Camille & Dru for coming & for the Grey Goose)
Stephie kept looking at me all crazy and asking who I was and saying that I was gone. Janelle was excited. We took a couple of shots of the Hynotiq that my sister convinved my mom to get me. & then I pulled out my little Jenn Cocktails Cosmopolitan & we shared that too. Then I went to the bathroom & Janelle held my hair back - she was excited bc she said it was the first time for her to do that instead of someone doing it for her. Then I nursed my hangover by sitting on the couch and drinking water and eating a piece of toast and asking Sean & Jon Arellano online to help my headache.
I was afraid to go to sleep that night bc Janelle & Mike kept telling me not to sleep & then Mike said it was because it was so I wouldn't choke on my vomit. scarrry. So yeah. I think I was still woozy when I called him all hysterical about it. But yes. Woke up the next morning feeling fresh and ready to work.
It was funn & memorable... & it's good because I still remember everything. I've deduced that I'm a rollercoaster drunk, alternating from hyphy to hungover and back again. I think the constant water drinking helped to speed up everything. Leave it to me to overanalyze my first experience. See, I'm still me.
Goodnight. =)
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