the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

it's so wrong that im awake right now. in the course of resting and taking this morning off of work, I feel the same as I did yesterday, except maybe with more of a voice... and I passed it on to stephie. whoops. sorry stephie. i hope mr. spiderman is gone too. maybe he went upstairs to collect comcast $.

is it wrong that I don't like people who misspell easy words? or kind of easy words? gorgeous. not that hard. really, it's not. you're over twenty now, come on. and there's spell check. i think i'm also bothered by the teenybopper alphabet/slang after the age of... well, maybe twenty also. heck, I'd say 18, but that's just me. ohh, i'm borderlining preachy right now, and I'm too close to sounding like these arrogant pricks I know in school that I just want to knock off of their high horses.

I'm grumpy. I'm sick. I get to be grumpy. Besides, this is an online forum. No names will pass by, and very few hints are dropped. Few people can make the linkage, hopefully. I should make up names. Maybe I'd get in trouble though, because people will read into it... I think I'm thinking too much now. OHHH, you know how Oprah says there's the ugly cry? I'm having the ugly cough... not like my lungs will get ejected or anything but still pretty bad.

I just tried describing my umbrella in a teenybopper term... then had to delete it because it just looked so so painful. Man.

I could so go for some pizza. Not really because I have no appetite. Just taste buds. Usually, when you're sick, there's no tastebuds and no appetite... tea. If it wasn't so late I'd have tea. And it's late because I need to wake up early to do school things that I didn't do today because I was "resting"... I was resting though. And I went to my classes... is it bad that I don't care about infecting people in my classes, but I care about infecting the people @ the office? Did that make sense? Whatever, man, I cover my mouth, I take my Comtrex & my Airborn... and I know this means nothing to Stephie because she's sick too now... I'm babbling. Sorry.

Doing ok, but still undermotivated this semester. This past school year has been one of my unhealthiest too, it feels like. I'm soo not looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning, as that is when I feel my worst.

Sorry for the downer blog of me just whining about being sick, and being a little arrogant about spelling. Freedom of speech. Yay America. Ohh, I'm out of it. =) because my #26 car moved up 7 spots in points bc he finished in the top 10 on Sunday. hoorah.

My boyfriend is leaving me. His cat is staying @ my parents' house. His cat chases our fat cat bc he wants to play. Poor Ewok.

Cha, I got your letter, but I've lost my stamps argggghrr (like a pirate!). Sorry for what will be my late reply.

lindemans framboise peach lambic please. i don't care if it's bad for my larynx.


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