the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Saturday, May 27, 2006

hi there. tired. but felt like talking still. i heart living the life of leisure and just not having school or work. but that'll end soon. but i enjoyed it, for the most part, while it lasted. sat around @ the apt, went downtown, had jello shots for the first time (so good), & stayed over @ michael's place.

went to his 2nd cousin's wedding. it's getting to that time when we're not going to cotillions anymore, but we're starting to go to weddings. wedding receptions are like cotillions except with a lot more alcohol... michael's family grew again when we met cousins that we weren't sure he had. life's fun like that.

i like fuzzy navels. i think it'll replace the midori sour.

project runway this summer? AND the hills? awesome.

loaded potato skins. that's what i feel like.



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