Being offline for the past couple of days is strange... it has its upsides... bc when you come back it's like EVERYONE updated their xanga or blog stuff... everyone cept for michael of course, but he NEVER updates so whatever.
Where have I been... Thursday was Kimmy's birthday (party)... so we ventured to Newark... went to Newpark mall for food & Katelyn's belated birthday present... I met Kimmy's best friend Kimberly (& then their boyfriends' names are Ron & Don, respectively... how funn is that...)... & yeah... it was funn... I learned how to BBQ... technically... hehe. Then when we left, we went to Q Cup & met my sister there & talked out her drama...
Friday... work... thenn... bought tickets for American Wedding (okay time for a sidenote... when we were there, like looking up @ movie times, there were these underage [meaning under 17] hoodlums with Spy Kids 3-D glasses there & one of them came up to us & asked us which movie we were going to see... he had twenty bucks in his hand, like he wanted us to buy him American Wedding tickets... and hell no I'm not about to do that [maybe for like, one of my coworkers or something, but not for strange children [even if they were like fifteen or whatever] so I was all "uhhm we don't know what we're watching yet)
So then yeah... we got jamba cause we were like an hour early... saw MW people there, including Christina Aguon, said hello... then yes, watched the movie... pretty gross (when I saw Reggie today, he thought it was the funniest thing ever... thats what the boyfriend thought too) but not as bad as I thought it would be... then we went to Pasta Pomodoro, shared some Shrimp Scampi & Tortellini soup... mmm...
Today! Work as usual... I saw Angela & Regina, whom I've missed dearly cause I hardly ever see them anymore, & I adore them cause they're funn as hell... Regina's so great... we're able to talk so easily & confidantly (not confidently, but as in confidant type of thing yes?)... so I wish her the best in her situation and ahem, friendships... & Angela, man... "Plastic makes thing possible. Plastic's like cotton, it's everywhere! Cotton? The fabric of our lives? Cotton candy??" Hahaha... PINK. Glad she doesn't read this otherwise she'd hate me!!
After work... went out with the family... went to Bed Bath & Beyond in Pleasant Hill to buy a shower caddy & xtra long twin sheets... then ate @ I Love Terriyaki & Sushi... that was pretty damn good... I discovered they have chicken katsu by another name... sesame chicken... so yes... mm... then we went to the mall so I could try to find a dress for Eileen Gail's cotillion... & I saw Darlene & Desiree there... they saw me first & they were all "Jay Vending! Jay vending!"... @ first I thought they were saying Jengy but yes... haha... they sound the same I swear!! Hahaha... ok.
So yes... funny conversation today... it's not quite verbatim but the gist of it... characters? Three white guys, maybe twenty ish or something... and me!... okay I was going to do it like a play but I don't remember how it started! So I got soda for this one guy, then they started to say my name and pretend like they were psychic & I wasn't wearing a name tag or whatever... then they asked if they could call me Zebra... & I said sure... and they were all trying variations of it, like J Zebra, Jenny Z, etc... and then they asked me if they put on their wigs & danced around if I wouldn't charge them tax... I said no, even tho they put on their wigs & yeah... & then they told the Asian family behind them in line to call me Jenny Z... I don't think the family spoke much English tho... & yes... they complimented the customer service... & then the Asian family was irritating bc they didn't check the cash register to see how much I charged them & they started saying how like it was the wrong change cept they couldn't speak English much and they just kept saying "ten dolla! ten dolla!" & pointing at the change they laid out.
When you're in America... especially when you live here... it's nice if you speak English. It also helps if you understand it. This is why I'm hesitant to travel abroad... think of all the peopl e I'd irritate... & all the people who could rip me off & I wouldn't even know it! Okay bye!
Where have I been... Thursday was Kimmy's birthday (party)... so we ventured to Newark... went to Newpark mall for food & Katelyn's belated birthday present... I met Kimmy's best friend Kimberly (& then their boyfriends' names are Ron & Don, respectively... how funn is that...)... & yeah... it was funn... I learned how to BBQ... technically... hehe. Then when we left, we went to Q Cup & met my sister there & talked out her drama...
Friday... work... thenn... bought tickets for American Wedding (okay time for a sidenote... when we were there, like looking up @ movie times, there were these underage [meaning under 17] hoodlums with Spy Kids 3-D glasses there & one of them came up to us & asked us which movie we were going to see... he had twenty bucks in his hand, like he wanted us to buy him American Wedding tickets... and hell no I'm not about to do that [maybe for like, one of my coworkers or something, but not for strange children [even if they were like fifteen or whatever] so I was all "uhhm we don't know what we're watching yet)
So then yeah... we got jamba cause we were like an hour early... saw MW people there, including Christina Aguon, said hello... then yes, watched the movie... pretty gross (when I saw Reggie today, he thought it was the funniest thing ever... thats what the boyfriend thought too) but not as bad as I thought it would be... then we went to Pasta Pomodoro, shared some Shrimp Scampi & Tortellini soup... mmm...
Today! Work as usual... I saw Angela & Regina, whom I've missed dearly cause I hardly ever see them anymore, & I adore them cause they're funn as hell... Regina's so great... we're able to talk so easily & confidantly (not confidently, but as in confidant type of thing yes?)... so I wish her the best in her situation and ahem, friendships... & Angela, man... "Plastic makes thing possible. Plastic's like cotton, it's everywhere! Cotton? The fabric of our lives? Cotton candy??" Hahaha... PINK. Glad she doesn't read this otherwise she'd hate me!!
After work... went out with the family... went to Bed Bath & Beyond in Pleasant Hill to buy a shower caddy & xtra long twin sheets... then ate @ I Love Terriyaki & Sushi... that was pretty damn good... I discovered they have chicken katsu by another name... sesame chicken... so yes... mm... then we went to the mall so I could try to find a dress for Eileen Gail's cotillion... & I saw Darlene & Desiree there... they saw me first & they were all "Jay Vending! Jay vending!"... @ first I thought they were saying Jengy but yes... haha... they sound the same I swear!! Hahaha... ok.
So yes... funny conversation today... it's not quite verbatim but the gist of it... characters? Three white guys, maybe twenty ish or something... and me!... okay I was going to do it like a play but I don't remember how it started! So I got soda for this one guy, then they started to say my name and pretend like they were psychic & I wasn't wearing a name tag or whatever... then they asked if they could call me Zebra... & I said sure... and they were all trying variations of it, like J Zebra, Jenny Z, etc... and then they asked me if they put on their wigs & danced around if I wouldn't charge them tax... I said no, even tho they put on their wigs & yeah... & then they told the Asian family behind them in line to call me Jenny Z... I don't think the family spoke much English tho... & yes... they complimented the customer service... & then the Asian family was irritating bc they didn't check the cash register to see how much I charged them & they started saying how like it was the wrong change cept they couldn't speak English much and they just kept saying "ten dolla! ten dolla!" & pointing at the change they laid out.
When you're in America... especially when you live here... it's nice if you speak English. It also helps if you understand it. This is why I'm hesitant to travel abroad... think of all the peopl e I'd irritate... & all the people who could rip me off & I wouldn't even know it! Okay bye!
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