the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Today... didn't have work... & since I grounded myself bc no one else will, I spent the day with my mom... woke up late... we went to Olive Garden & I finally tried the chicken alfredo pizza, the one that Steph swears by... it was pretty damn good... then we went to Target where I saw Eileen Gail... & then my moms got a haircut, so I caught up on my Glamour reading... that was a pretty interesting mag...

So now they come home with my Jamba Juice! Yay! Oh & yes, while I was waiting I was adjusting my aol on my new computer... so I know that no one reads this, but if you do... add Jengyroo123 to your buddy list! Kae bye!

PS Michael... I hope... hope... that we can talk soon.


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