the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

=( I was going to wash some dishes & as soon as I walked into the bathroom, my bowl dropped... and broke... I cleaned it up of course, for the most part, but I think there are still tiny little pieces of bright blue porcelain in the corner of the bathroom that I tried to mop it into... I feel bad... should I have left the big pieces of the broken bowl so that people could see immediately "Oh! Someone broke their bowl, and there's probably little pieces that I don't want to step in so I should look out"... but now if they walk into the bathroom into the part with the tiny shards and hurt their bare feet on the things they can't see... but you shouldn't be going into the bathroom without some sort of hard bottom foot covering... not even socks, cause it's a bathroom, and there's nothing worse than getting your socks wet, you know?

I don't know... what's your input on that? Other than that I shouldn't have broken the bowl in the first place.


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