the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


My impending decreased levels of iron (read: . ) has caused me to eat the household clean. Sort of. I made basil & mushroom french bread pizza. I cut corners... sauce from a jar.

I've never had so many red marks on a paper... with such a high grade at the end. The red marks made me sad... it totally didn't feel like I got the grade I did. Red hurts. Teachers shouldn't use red... pink, purple, green. Although with the way my paper got marked up, I'd probably feel hurt by any colour that he chose. And he's my favourite teacher this semester, too. It was all constructive criticism, tho.

It's dangerous having ice cream in the house. But that's why there are no cookies. And pastries. Hot damn, pastries.

Five days of classes left. Five papers due within the next... three weeks. Three finals.

And then what? WORK. in San Jose.

Turning 21 in two months, but everything else before then seems to be coming up so quickly... except for Hawaii. The good comes slowly, the bad comes quickly.

Glad I didn't go to DC (as if it was my choice!)... this cannot be 56 degrees. Michael, I know I threaten to study law back East, but I'm a big weather pansy so I doubt that'll ever happen.

I want jewelry for Christmas but I'm very particular about the kind of jewelry I pick out for myself so I don't want to ask... call me strange, but Target and Express are my favourites for it. I wish I could go ahead with Christmas shopping but the only free time I seem to have is on weekends and after my debacle last year, I refuse to try to Christmas shop on weekends. I have a friends & family discount for Macy's, too. boo.

Going to go figure out how to cook with ground chicken, eventually...


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