the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Monday, February 06, 2006

so tired & just plain overwhelmed with all of the things going on, school, extra curriculars, interning... crazy. i hope it all pays off... it usually does.

i'm watching a video on baseball. for legal studies class. i really need to stop taking classes just because they work for my schedule & they fit the requirement. but i guess it wouldn't be challenging if i didn't have one class that i wasn't crazy about.

that said, i'm kicking ass in my bio class so far. i'm not crazy about the people who are in the class with me... ::if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything @ all:::... so that's my partial censorship.

i think i scared my mother today by telling her i was walking to campus & back after dark. & i thought i scared her enough yesterday when i didn't wear a jacket in sixty degree weather. she called me this morning just to tell me to wear a jacket. i'm two, apparently.

i like how i have funn textbooks and not so funn textbooks... the ones i prefer reading are used textbooks about the cold war, (with so much american bias you wouldn't believe) while the ones that i am avoiding are the ones with the full colour pictures, new, shiny... i'm so strange. or nerdy. both, i think. whatever man, reading is sexy. ohh yes.

these people feel towards baseball the way i feel towards... celebrity gossip. i'm trying to understand the passion. i think i've always felt a little sad because i've never really had a passion like that before, towards one thing that like, defines you...

i think that people @ school/work might think i'm obsessed with pink, bc on any given day, i'm coordinating with my water bottle, my pens, etc... i bet they think i'm obnoxious. elle woods wannabe or something. whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed.

oh... it's like, an hour later and I just remembered that I didn't submit this. ok. it's been a long monday.


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