the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Monday, April 24, 2006

Fifteen minutes ago, I hit my politics zenith... the epitome of my politics education and everything that I'd hoped it to be. It was effing awesome.

Then about five minutes ago, I was quickly brought down with the realities of the present time... family isht of ignorance... influx of work and "responsibilities" (more like obligations that should be brushed off because they're so... blown up)... :sigh: it was nice while it lasted, though. The politics high. I don't think I've experienced anything like it. It definitely made me feel better about being a politics major and and a history minor and not the other way around. It reaffirmed my interests and my reasons for being in politics in the first place.

On Friday, Chrissy, Stephie & I got "super hyphy" in the club. Good times. ;-)

One minute I'm lagging and breathing and the next I'm exhilarated and next, I'm exhausted and can't breathe enough. Did that make sense? I'm probably making something out of nothing.

More later!


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