the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

OMG I'm so fucking pissed right now.

I CANNOT BELIEVE that some people can be so closeminded, inconsiderate, judgmental. Go ahead and be a shit talker but if it's someone I'm obviously close to, then how can you say such a thing and not expect me to react?? Effing incredible.

I confide in people because I trust them. I believe they're not going to judge me or my situation, make a level headed statement or observation. Are you really going to say something so blatantly judgmental and just... God, ok, yes I can complain about someone's actions but that gives you absolutely no right to pass such simple judgment as if it's truth. And obviously I am confiding in you for reassurance or level reasoning, NOT for some incredibly unreasonable judgment like that, especially when it's so obvious that you didn't even truly understand what I told you in the first place. You asked me something, I said it wasn't true and I told you what really happened, and you still went back to whatever you wrongly thought in the first place and found it necessary to tell me. Like I really needed to hear something like that. You're so fucked up. Sure it's a 'guy's perspective'... but if that's truly the case then thank GOD i am not single because guys are jerks.

I'd like to fill in the blanks, so go ahead and ask me, some of you will probably tell me that you knew this person was like this in the first place, and I now completely agree and do not understand why I ever considered this person a real friend. Sure, real friends tell you the truth and give you hard love when you need it, but there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that was loving about that statement, telling me what, as a guy, what you think happened.

I'm so mad right now, i'm like realy furious. I haven't been this furious at anyone in such a long time, like really really furious. It's amazing. I can't believe someone so small minded can get me so worked up like this. ARRRRGH.

pirate moment. sorry. very upset. very angry. like angry angry. not just upset, not sad, but truly furiously mad.

eventually I'll realize this person is not worth this energy. but for now... just pissed.


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