Sorry it was so short yesterday, cha came over & yes I had to play good hostess. Or tried to at least. Anyways, let me update on the past few interesting days of my life.
On Thursday, Kuya James took me to dinner @ Applebees... we just sat there for like an hour & a half talking about what everyone is talking about on their websites. Haha, I swear that's how I know what's going on around me, cause otherwise I'm completely oblivious. Yes, it was great talking to him. I hecka missed him... & I still do! I know that the SPSV environment isn't the best for him, but I really do miss being around him. I hope that we have time in the future to kick it cause I miss him!
Friday was Lizzie McGuire Day!! Haha, yeah, boyfriend took me to Denny's for dinner cause we haven't been there for soo long & I got to experience the greatness of the Denny's daytime menu! =) Man, Lizzie was so great. It was hilarious cause we were all in line for Lizzie in front of the theater while they cleaned it & then a showing of X2 came out & there were hella people from our school... Sean & Mike were all ducking. Yes... & then I said while sitting down before the show started "Where are the children?" referring to Chris & Clarisse cause they weren't there yet & two kids sitting in front of me & they turned around all offended and confused like I think. That was kind of ironic. I call everyone children... my cats, Mike's lil cousins & brother & sister, my friends. Yeah... blame my sis. & after Lizzie, me & Mike went to Jamba Juice & bc I go there too much, the person already knew my name & then Mike recognized her cause she's this Filipina singer chick & we have an ex boyfriend in common & I told her & we laughed. & then we went to Wendy's, where we ate & chatted & watched Charlene take off, gripping to the spoiler of Deanna's car going like twenty five miles per hour cause Deanna didn't know that she was hanging onto it. That was hella funny & scary @ the same time.
Saturday was Guna's birthday celebration. Cause Cha still thought it was at one, she came over around one to read my magazines & eat cake before we left for the party & arrived "fashionable early". Haha. Guna's party was funn... I gave everyone wedgies... that's what you get for wearing low rise jeans! hehe... yes... & then we all played the dumb game of making people sit & stand... but yes, you can bet we'll be doing that all throughout the school week & during prom! hahaha... & then I got all addicted to Mr Driller. That was funn too. Oh! & we plucked Jeremy's eyebrows & they were all swollen and me & chrissytina felt bad, but they look cleaner & we have to make sure they stay that way @ least till prom.
Now... in like an hour Guna's reveling in her newfound prom money and she & Jennie are taking me to the mall for prom shopping. I'm not sure if I'm looking for a necklace & a shawl cause I dont know if I have them in the house & I just have to look for them. Don't know... not sure yet. But yes... hot damn (my new phrase), my stomach's in pain.
I meant to say like a really long time ago that I'm glad that my hair isn't orange anymore. Yes, black cherry all the way. Hecka Rachist. =) Actually, my friends & I are so comfortable with the mixing of the races that we make "racist" jokes all the time around each other... we don't need to say anything behind anyone's back cause it's all in good funn anyways... man. But really, if someone just like walked in and heard what we were saying yesterday while we (well four people, me and Nessa were watching) were playing Kerplunk, they woulda thought that we were quite politically incorrect. Cause yeah, it kind of was, but we were hella laughing! It's like... finding the humor in Mr. Black talking about the Asians having SARS & everyone staying away... & when little eight year olds in Vacaville calling us f***ing Japanese. Japanese and proud! (yes, none of my friends are japanese... I'm like a little Chinese, but still, completely not the same thing) .
My mom gets mad when I want to buy trashy novels at Costco. I still think that she should appreciate a daughters who like to read for entertainment and enjoyment and don't spend three hundred plus on video games and systems and whatnot. She still thinks that because the material isn't on the Ivy League reading list (not like they have one but u know what I mean) it's not worth reading. Yes, today I wanted to get down with love, even tho i'm going to see it in two weeks.
I know I have more to say... oh yes! So my cat, Ewok... he's huge. He's a little more than a year old, and he weighs like eighteen pounds. He's soo freakin heavy. Everytime my friends come over, they think he's the cutest thing ever & they laugh and call him fat but the still think he's beautiful, cause he is. How come we can't say that about most humans? "Awww look at you all fat and cute and heavy awww!"... yeah, that's sad that the situations are different, cause like X-tina says, we are beautiful no matter what you say... haha. But yeah, Ewok's like a feline version of a plus size model. We shouldn't even have to say beautiful. If you're beautiful, then that should be it. It. Yes. Okae bye!