ever since going to the philippines i feel so disconnected. im a routine kind of person, who does the same kinda things day in and day out and i like it like that, i like the control i have, but i havent had that since mid may and it feels odd... in the p.i. i felt like i had to go by everyone else's schedule and control and whatever cause it wasn't you know, for me, it was for them, and it was ok, doing whatever was planned already for me... but now im back and im working and once again im feeling this... everything is planned already, or im doing what everyone else wants to do because if i want to do what i want to do... it feels like... like im imposing. point is, ever since i came back last friday... i havent really gotten a chance to do much of what i wanted to do... it hasnt been my perrogative and im not sure if that's something i have to or if i should adjust to it...
but yeah...i feel not caught up with my celebrity tsismis, my soap operas, current events, and then everyone has changed their myspace pictures... which i need to do too, because i have pictures from the otc banquet and jetskiing and parasailing and cousins and all of that...
i need to control my spending. but clinique bonus time. hello, they give superbalanced makeup in your skin tone as the free gift.
did i mention i want my shoes in argyle? purple and green argyle.
ok. it's late. going to vallejo tomorrow to restore music to vikrum. it was sad without him today. goodnight.
but yeah...i feel not caught up with my celebrity tsismis, my soap operas, current events, and then everyone has changed their myspace pictures... which i need to do too, because i have pictures from the otc banquet and jetskiing and parasailing and cousins and all of that...
i need to control my spending. but clinique bonus time. hello, they give superbalanced makeup in your skin tone as the free gift.
did i mention i want my shoes in argyle? purple and green argyle.
ok. it's late. going to vallejo tomorrow to restore music to vikrum. it was sad without him today. goodnight.