the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

ugh, i can't shake this cough. grr. soo not feeling this. i hope all of the people on the plane don't find me completely insufferable... am i making up words again? thought so.

anywhom. i need to finish packing. i miss pewter. and michael. he's like, 1400 miles away right now. & then tomorrow, i will be 2400 miles away from here. or something like that.

i need my codeine. & i need to pack my toiletries. and wake up early. crap. i shouldn't be blogging.

ps. colored my hair back to it's o.g. colour. got tired of doing my roots time & time again. & then when i dyed it black, the brown started popping out in odd places, like splotches. so yes. back to basic brown. maybe for spring break i'll do highlights. i don't think i can get away with violet or cerulean while working @ mons @ city hall, even though it's sf.

i miss the city. san jose's not bad though. weather's nice. that whole new year's eve storm was barely an inch of rain over here. i like that. i like 79 degrees and partly cloudy and humid better, though. whoo tomorrow. excitement.

so anyways. yeah, probably won't be able to get a hold of me except by phone until next wednesday.

i've been feeling... kind of different lately. can't explain it.

also a little down, due to the fact that my fams will probably be busy entertaining more fams visiting from the philippines on my bday... & thus postponing my birfday celebration. or my fabolous meal with my first legally ordered alcoholic beverage... being postponed on my actual day. =( i mean, the birthday's on a sunday, & i probably start work the day after, so i kind of knew that i wouldnt be doing anything that night... dunno man. i feel different. my schedule's been different, i dont have much privacy, & i think im just kind of thrown off...

alright. enough of that. packing and sleeping and updating my pod and on my way. ooh, project runway. i agree cha, nick & chloe are my faves. disagree on santino. =/ i like that other daniel guy too.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

harrow. yay for hawaii on thursday. it's a nice ending to a not so bad winter break (i put bread instead of break for a second there... im craving pastry, or a bagel sandwich from the posh bagel, & i don't even like bagels...), which has been quite eventful. getting hospital kind of sick... going to warriors games with my sister in the bomb ass company seats... going to kings games in the standing room only section with the boyfriend but actually seeing the home team win at those games...

my sister's birthday "week" is over. we went to the melting pot for a BOMB ASS four course fondue dinner. so awesome. & she got a table which we put together yesterday. assembly time: 20 minutes my ass. did not leave time for user error.

yay for pedicures. i just hope i can get over this cold in time for vacation.

turning twenty one... still not sure what that means for me. because i dont drink and party... that's just not what i do. so what happens when i turn twenty one? i don't think i've convinced my parents to take me to vegas for a weekend... but @ the same time, i can't settle for their offers of cache creek or reno... it doesn't feel like i'm doing twenty one right. right now, i just want to get that halter dress from American Apparel & some Citizen Cake cupcakes. & some Itunes gift cards, maybe, so I can finally buy the things that are in my "shopping cart". & a pearl necklace.

sleepy. it's early. im @ work. belle says that you don't need a college degree to succeed because there are lots and lots of employees here who can't for the life of them follow the instructions on a survey. seriously, i have people who, under "average days per week" put the number 180. or 20 hours. or 15 miles. i remember in high school where people would be all "she's not really smart, she just follows directions" (not about me, about someone else). im finding out that that's half the battle, following directions. & just being patient.