the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

OH YEAH. If anyone can tell me the gambling age in Belize, that'd be fantastic.

Hello. I liked Michael's entry on his xanga. He changed it to be the same name as his aim name minus the 83... so yeah.

I'm going to Belize. Yay. I'm excited.

I swear I had more to say. Dammit.

Yay Belize.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I miss Breaker High. I wish I could just watch it all again and again... I know it was corny and terrible and the outfits were bad too but Ryan Gosling in his purest form, after Mickey Mouse Club, but before Murder by Numbers?... and now he will shoot to J-14 fame and I will shake my head, and say I knew him back in the day... not personally (that'd be HELLA cool tho), but in spirit... yes in spirit.

I hate how I think of smart things to blog when I'm working. Because working sucks and blogging doesnt.


PS Jenn Bacaltos I remember you too! I heart you, hope you're doing well. No longer is it Spain and the bulls, but Belize and the marijuana dealers. Not really, but sort of. But yes, Belize!

PPS. Yes, Tricia, we will gallavant.

Work is so boring. I've discovered that it's true about wanting happiness over money and how money doesn't bring happiness...

UHM my weekend consisted of glow in the dark miniature golf, dim sum, two movies, lots of tears, the boyfriend, and making sure the cats didn't escape. Roo went skydiving. There was also fried chicken in my weekend that I now miss. I can't wait until I get home so I can cook.

Yes, I've officially forgotten how to blog.

Thanks, Tricia, for cheering me up last night. I think you didn't even knwo it, but yes... our talk brought me joy.

I forgot Montana and Vermont. Building five's vending machine is out of pretzels and I really wanted some. I have Haribo gold-bears gummi candy tho.

Ok bye.