the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Sunday, March 19, 2006

sup. i dont know how many of "you" (since I really have no idea who reads this... well, a guestimate, but whatevs) read this, but I couldn't see if my last blog was posted or not. so sorry for repeats.

spring break is OVA. sad. it was really nice while it lasted. vegas was funn. i didn't feel like i did it "right", because of a VERY bad incident the saturday before i left... and i got kinda traumatized. but i did it... the carrie bradshaw way. my sister and i, if a shopping trip is a productive, we say that we did pretty well/good. vegas... we did insanely well. hella well, if you will. i have all of this springy stuff that i can't wait to break out. (SPRING ARRIVES TOMORROW MORNING! HOLLA!!) although, an unfortunate sidenote, because I've been travelling, i have fashion mags, and now i feel inadequate because i do not own a white top or dress with eyelets... i think that's the only trend that i'm willing to bandwagon on. a pair of white wedges wouldn't hurt either, but i may have hit my wedge limit.

i like caring about frivolous things. i've been avoiding my school email because i do not want to care about academia. not during my spring break. and just because when i think about it i get all panicky with my thoughts when i'm left to myself. so not funn.

there are law schools that you can get into with a 140 on the lsat. that makes me feel a little better. altho i definitely do not want to go to appalachian university for law school. no offense to anyone who goes there... i just have no desire to study in appalachia. i have no desire to study in lots of places, so don't take it personally. what other places?... new mexico... oklahoma... both dakotas... alabama... montana... among others. i just went on a tangent, didn't i? i'm REALLY trying to avoid academia...

well technically it's not academia that i'm avoiding, to be honest. i heart my classes, even the boring baseball ones. something this semester has gotten me down... and i won't go into specifics (this website is listed on facebook and the power that goes with that...) but yeah. bothers me a lot. while some of it is my own stress that i put onto myself, i know it's not all my fault. urgh i hate thinking about it... stresses me out.

how come ham on the streets is on right now? i should be watching giada throw a bash. did anyone else think that paula's chefography was a bit of a downer?

cha, your blog made me laugh. thanks. i wish u had a comment box. AND i wish you were @ the shop the day that i was there. i got tag teamed man, both my parents & your mom were discussing nursing... you know, something that both you and i aren't in, but that doesn't stop the parents from saying how much money nurses earn and etc etc.

ugh i just made myself sad again bc my dad referred to public interest law as poor people's law. meaning i won't make much if i choose to go into that field, which is where i want to end up. int'l law with a focus on public interest.

it is that time of the month. i am not hungry. i am set to self destruct. not literally, though. i need to read elle, that'll cheer me up a little. is it sad that material things cheer me up when im emotionally moody? escapism. i think that it's good that it's things that i am taking comfort in my shiny new purchases and not alcohol, bc i could and im not. altho coffee and a cigarette sound GREAT right now. i don't smoke. i want to. i won't. promise.

speaking of self destruct... i saw v for vendetta... so ok, if you see that special on it on mtv, they're all talking about how it's all terrorism, and how it's easy to link it to today and the united states and osama etc etc... and how you're supposed to leave the movie talking about it and full of questions... i just have to say... the first thing i thought about at the end of the movie... was that it was SO much better than failure to launch. michael had questions tho... he wanted to know where he could get the mask. good movie, though.

i found the liquor store in vallejo that they showed on that mtv special my block: the bay! how exciting.

sorry for the long post. a lot on my mind. i tried to keep it on the up & up, tho. ( i just looked up "up and up". i didn't necessarily use it in the right context. but it still makes sense. goodnight.)