the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Thursday, May 11, 2006

not to be all holier than thou or anything, but it really is seriously painful to hear profanity in daily jargon, like it's nothing, like they're just another adjective or verb... it's painful. like i hear it being used soo many times, and I just don't think it's necessary... of course, I'm in college, it's normal... but @ the workplace it was pretty normal too. What can I say man... politics is full of bs. Literally. Well... yeah, literally.

I don't know. I guess I just wish that people could hear themselves sometimes... like, I know that my sister and I make funn of people who talk too loudly and then we hear bits of their conversations and they're super random, or their vernacular is "like whatever you know like and i was all and then she was all and then I was omg"... but I know that if people were to do the same with my sister & I that it'd be equally random and inane. People shouldn't talk so loudly though. If they do, then they shouldn't be offended at the eavesdropping that just happens to be happening because you can't help it.

No more classes. No more science!! =) Joyful at that. 3 question take home essay due tomorrow by noon.

Too bad I'm really excited for The Office tonight... Casino Night! & ten minutes longer. I always get really sad when it's the end of a show that I like to watch... kind of like how I get sad when I'm at the bottom of my... well, fill in the blank of whatever food or drink I happen to be obsessed with at that moment. I can't think of any right now.

I really need a haircut. My foremost distraction, I think, in studying and reading is that my hair is hanging down and I shift my focus from the book in my lap to my split ends, and then I get all caught up cutting them off. Yes. I'm super... shallow? Odd? ADD? But yes, I am easily distracted and it has been with my hair... shallow, I know. Trivial... when I could be writing my essay as to what are the basic steps for peace in Iraq. And what should happen with Iran in light of their enhancing uranium for nuclear energy. No. Instead of concentrating on that, I am looking to see which ends are lighter than the rest of my hair, and getting overly amped when I see a strand that's split more than once. Let's see how well this explination will fly in job interviews or applying for grad/law school.

Did I mention that I'm very sad that Britney is pregnant again? And I heart heart heart Jonathan Rhys-Meyers in MI3?

Laziness is the devil. And the devil is apparently alive and well on this Jesuit campus and its surrounding facilities aka my apartment. Damn. I made my own iced tea =). At least I started my work already... you know on Monday when I drank on a school night and watched my roommates play pan de sal ball or whatever it was. sigh.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

it's my 700th post, apparently. woo hoo.

tired. I'm done with science forever ever, forever ever, starting today. awesome. well not forever bc michael's going to be involved with it and i'm not done with him forever ever but you know what I mean.

apparently I'm done with my legal studies minor...? thanks usf! big ups...

i've been into watching jeopardy right now.. it's the creme de la creme right now, tournament of champions. i think i envy these people...i'd like to be on jeopardy and not look like a fool. that'd be tight. and not just bc it's on tv, really. but i don't like being competitive... i just want to do good things. and know a lot of stuff. that's my motto right there... too bad doing good things and knowing a lot of stuff doesn't feed my "c" addiction. and i don't mean cookie.

last day of classes tomorrow. take home final due friday. final on wednesday. take home final due thursday. dunzo. i'd hope so man. at some point... i'm just over it. not just classes... the whole thing. i dunno...

i heart editor short shorts. in plaid. i would like a flower printed springy/summer dress. that matches the wedges i currently have... but if i have to buy new ones, then you do what you gotta do. too bad i have no income until the beginning of june... paying off my card has been a little painful too. i wish i didn't want so much... bonus time @ clinique on june 7th too, i'm so excited. it's hella cute gloss on a keychain too. man.

should i stir fry? its wednesday... top model. top chef. no more oth. cant wait for tomorrow's office. i heart may sweeps. i actually missed the gilmore season finale yesterday but what i've read, i haven't missed much. it's on belle's tivo, so i'm good. that and the cheerleading nation finales.

that kelly clarkson ford commercial song is super catchy. there goes my street cred.

Monday, May 08, 2006

i heart random acts of kindness... little things do count, especially by strangers...

not to say that i dont appreciate you, michael, bc i do... this weekend, you were nothing if not extremely kind.

a little :argh: right now... tiny, continuous frustrations that'll blow up, but probably will come up again in the future. let's just say... I'm glad that my sister gave me the tough love and pushed me towards self-sufficiency...

I feel like tater tots... or rocky road ice cream... no idea. sorry. random cravings right now.

It was my last day @ MONS... imma miss it... the people, what the work was like... it was funn.

feeling a little ornery. just a litlte tho

even tho it's probably not wise for me to post, i just wanted to write something that made more sense than my last one...

studying for my final on wednesday.... I feel like I'm behind on my other two finals... three, technically. but yeah. definitely behind... i'm behind. but still optimistic that i can pull it off. i usually manage to surprise myself while kicking myself simultaneously for wasting so much time... doing things like this instead of prioritizing.

last day of work tomorrow... waking up early... & probably having another on day where I have to bring my life with me. fortunately, i get to bring it in my new bag which was so thoughtfully purchased for me by my boyfriend who didn't like the fact that i was burning the wool constantly off of my old one. roototes are awesome; i have three. i wear them out, literally, & then, instead of buying them @ UO, i go to that store @ east pacific mall that sells michael's final fantasy figurines where they sell the bags like, twelve bucks cheaper.

sometimes... i want to go backwards bc then i wouldn't have to worry about what im going to do with my life in the very near future, which is so uncertain that it's driving me into mini panics constantly... & then sometimes i just want to move forward and be at that time where i get to live with michael into my little happilly ever after. but there's much to be done before that...

i guess that's all i felt like sharing tonight. my shopping list includes double shot lights, cause the four pack is on sale @ albertsons...

shopping on tuesday... not shopping. exchanging things. i have to remind myself that i do have things to do; i think my mentality is all screwed this semester. senioritis.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

hi. im ok now. i think. my family has just painted my parents interior walls these horrendous fugly colors and im quite upset about that... not kidding. fugly. fugly. i've said the word ridiculous in regards to the whole thing many many times today.

michael's a good boyfriend this week because... he keeps me calm when he knows that all i want to do is throw down a b.f. .... & he did some of my laundry, so it smells good & when I smell my clothes when I put them on they remind me of when he did my laundry.

yes. i'm grammatically incorrect. im delirious. i think i wish i celebrated cinco de mayo. sorry. i know i'm not making much sense.

what was wrong before... lots of... well... moodiness, basically. very very moody. tempermental... unbalanced... moody.

tired now. sorry for the confusing jumbled up post. i have two finals this week, one last day of work... probably two video reviews... & i have a keith urban ringtone. fantabulous. AND there's a very good chance that i will get rascal flatts concert tickets for july. and that is just simply FANTASTIC.

i hate that reality shows are keeping people on for drama, not because they do what they're supposed to do better than other people. not fair.
