J | Jealous |
E | Enchanting |
N | Nice |
G | Gentle |
Y | Yucky |
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
Courtesy of Desiree, even tho I don't think she knows this site.
How accurate.
Pewter is on crack. But not right now. She's asleep on this table next to my sunglasses. Before, she was asleep between my sister's monitor and keyboard. Then Belle tried to administer the meds for her eye infection (Pewter's eye infection, not Belle's, cause Belle doesn't have one). All hell broke loose.
We had Quizno's. Mmm toasty.
Excited for the next upcoming Fridays, just cause this Friday means yay food bc of potluck @ work... then next Friday is Fresh Choice with other Manpower people and then after work, Michael's bringing me to go see LION KING. I'm excited.