the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Friday, January 02, 2004

MY BOYFRIEND IS HOME!! The little hooker calls me up today and tries to fool me that he's in Manila...

It's amazing how one person can instantly put a smile on your face.

My hair is short. Again. Maybe shorter than before. Ehh...

Tomorrow is the sister's birthday so the family will be traversing over to Fremont for some Cheesecake factory. I suggested to my mom that we get Roo a God book (she's a born again Christian sort of). My mom makes that face everytime my dad wants to buy papayas at Costco.

UHM other than that... actually not much else. Ok then Happy New Year and the whatnot and the whosits...

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

So when Claire's tells you that you should not change or remove your earrings until six weeks after your piercing, they're serious. Like, they know that if you try to do it even a week earlier that your hole will close almost immediately and make a small bump behind your hole and make you think that you're like that girl in CosmoGirl whose cartilige piercing had to have surgery upon because there was infection major.

UHM I want to dye Guna's hair. I kind of want to dye my own. I would do it a brighter red if it wouldn't turn my hair all orange.

Five days! Whoo hoo! I hella miss him & I miss hearing his voice.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Hmm... Cha is right. It's no longer about presents on Christmas... it's just being in the right state of mind, around the right people.

Doesn't mean that my necklace & jackets don't rock like fraggle tho, because they do.

Michael emailed me twice =D =D so happy. Long letters too! That's like pulling teeth, getting the boyfriend to write long letters to me! One more week...

Roo & I moved another bed into her old room, along with some furniture, and then our parents bought us a TV, and then we moved the DVD player from the bonus room into that room too. What does this mean? It means that my sister can now wake me up at 6AM telling me that because she just went to the bathroom, she's kind of fully awake now and she can shake my bed to wake me up too.

Guna, we found the remote to the DVD player so we don't have to watch sucky previews of Disney sequels anymore.

I'm out of raspberry jam thumbprint cookies. Tragedy.

Tricia I got the Dashboard Confessionals CD... it's fabulous. & be proud, cause I also got the No Doubt singles CD.

UHMMM my dad's got the whole week off so my mom should get off my back for the most part and leave me be to my soap operas because I have no idea what's going down with Kendall, Greenlee, Carly, and Chloe.

I'm excited for pizza on New Year's Eve. Just me and some mushroom pizza and the Olson Twins Marathon on ABC Family =D I'm a fan of vegging in. As was wisely stated in Clueless, "maybe it's because my party clothes are so binding".

In one month I'm turning nineteeeeen. I added the extra e's because it's cold and I pressed down on the key a little longer than necessary.