the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Saturday, October 08, 2005

what i now want for my birthday: $115 to register for LSATs. I can't take it three times like I did with the ACTs. So yeah. Register me.

Oh my damn. I'm going to be a senior next semester.

I hate logical games. If there are seven fish, and three bowls, and you can put at least three fish in one bowl, and if fish A is in a bowl, then fish B is in a tank, so can Fish B and Fish C be in the same bowl together? Logical games suck. And who the hell knew reading comprehension could be some time encompassing?

If you couldn't tell, I took a practice LSAT this Saturday morning. Saturday morning, 9 - 12, taking a standardized test. And now I'm in the school's absolutely beautiful atrium part of the library, studying for my midterm and my makeup quiz and emailing teachers about guest speakers for the Politics Society and wondering why Kat hasn't called me back about our plans tonight that's mandatory because of our effed up dance class and I need to check out a bunch of dance books and dance videos for my midterm presentation on Monday.

and i couldnt sleep last night. i think i had anxiety because i kept tossing and turning.

life is overwhelming. i thought i'd share that with you because it's been exhausting keeping it all in.

if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all.

two steps forward, three steps back... way back.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

katie holmes is having a baby, man. joey potter. who loved dawson but wound up with pacey. who became the daughter of the president and wore vera wang. she's twenty six. she's pregs. that baby'll be cute tho. she'll have hella nice brown hair.

i want hella nice brown hair. first i need to get my hair cut tho, it's getting gross, but it's not as long as i'd like it to be. but i should get it relayered soon @ regis. and then i'll just @ home dye it, on the boyfriend's behalf. a dark brown, because my eyebrows will still be kind of light. me & my sister have lighter brown eyes too. so yes. no black, cha. no jet black. i'll let that stay within your guys' family.

im sad i didnt get to go to texas for the wedding. it woulda been one hott shindig. the boyfriend has a cavity and he's getting it filled tomorrow. i forgot that drilling is involved and have sufficiently scared him with what i found in these children's websites about keeping your teeth healthy.

rachael ray is getting syndicated. by oprah. like dr. phil was. she's going to be everywhere.

im going to buy the sisterhood of the travelling pants. that's such a great movie. or, i will ask michael to get it for me and i'll write him a cheque. (mimes a square to represent a cheque, like the way mike does when he asks for it @ restaurants)

poor lindsay lohan. maybe she's just a bad driver. or just very unfortunate. either way...

you can make creamed spinach with cream of mushroom soup. i bought italian parsley. basil is expensive. broccoli is on sale. my iced tea is frozen. i have too much in this house.

can you recycle milk cartons?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


my boyfriend is gone. forever. no. five days. five days and forever have some of the same letters in them tho. but yeah. flying over the westsiiide as we speak.

my teeth are inexplicable sensitive tonight. it's hard to drink the gree tea. im sad. will it hurt if i drink hot drinks too?


im feeling overwhelmed. im dizzy. i've been getting a lot more email and just more stuff to keep track of and i'm kind of getting lost in it all. it's crazy. im freaking out. sort of.

last night was quite possibly one of the best dates of my life. and it was all an accident. make sure that mike knows the city of the meeting place if we ever go out with you, ok? that's all i have to say about that.

Monday, October 03, 2005

it is SO one of those days that i just wish i could do over. where all the bad things happen at once. im exaggerating, but i totally woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. grumpy gumperson. sad. upset. grumpy. generally not good feeling.

ninety pages for dance. who does she think she's kidding. a mother effing core class.

im sorry i'll stop whining now. if you dont have anything good to say dont say anything at all. and that is why i will not call you. yeah, you.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

confsedpni (10:01:01 PM): then you signed on
confsedpni (10:01:10 PM): like a gift from God

see how people act towards you when you tell them a little politics info?

hello. mike & i double dated with our favourite double daters sean & jami. jami lives far away. we went ice skating. & ate @ mimi's. & went to best buy. where i continued my gilmore girls dvd collection. unintentionally. & went to stoneridge. i bought pretty pretty earrings and found a beeyoootifull pink peacoat which i did not purchase. i just joyfully twirled around in it. it's all tapered around the bottom back. got jelly beans. tried on scarves. sean's a good boyfriend because whenever jami picked something up he asked her if she wanted it. i want my boyfriend to encourage consumerism like that on me instead of pulling me away from the pretty shining things to be bought.

sean and mike battled with the magic mic. sean got an 88. mike got an 89. i played with lil bit the miniature chihuahua and jami's nano named squishy. jami fed us meat. me & jami won two rounds of punk ass bitch. she & mike slapped hard. so did i. there are turkeys were jami lives. and deer. i didnt see any deer.

jami needs to stop being gaunt.

our mailbox has no cover door. and our number isnt even above the slot where we used to get mail in. either my roommates are getting the mail or we're just plain not getting mail. either or. it makes me sad bc i also have to plan on getting my registration time for next semester.

i need a hair cut. when i color it'll be all over and dark. hella dark. would i look good if my hair was black? feedback please!

i have 90 pages to read for dance class. that class is ridiculous.

there were other things i wanted to say but i forget now. october sucks. i want two other pairs of earrings. i think earrings are my new sees candy, what i buy when im feeling low. sees was way more cheaper tho. more cheaper. atm machine. opm music. repetitive and redundant. repetitive and redundant.

i had dim sum today. and we went grocery shopping in a chinese market and it was large and had like every single asian food type product ever. including boxed honey milk tea. like juice boxes, but honey milk tea. jae, they had it in strawberry milk tea too!

is it too late to cut my nails and suffer the consequences of filipino bad luck? i already tested fate by sleeping with my hair wet on thursday night.