the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

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You will live in Shack.
You will drive a gunmetal mazda r6.
You will marry Michael and have 6 kids.
You will be a lawyer in San Diego.

Our school has strawberry milk... let the "guma" begin.

It's time to be the workaholic again so I can make up all the money that I spent in the last five months... plane ticket, books, prepayment for housing, cough cough clothes cough cough...

I'm seeing Jami tomorrow!! She's coming over to play with "sucka"... yay... maybe we'll play cards...

After work Michael & I may travel over to SunValley bc I'm in need of shopping therapy... I almost went downtown on a whim today just to cheer myself up...

Picked out my room next year... it's made for people watching... and it's right across the caf!! Prime location... two doors down from the bathroom... right next to the elevator/stairs... on the third floor... across from the current roommate & her SM... no more heart attack hill, baby.

I want a dog. The ones on TV are funn.

I forget what else. Bye.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

The roommate has asked me to do unspeakable evil. Do you want to be my friend... if you know what I mean. The boyfriend was here and he was physically holding me back as I watched helplessly as my account was created.

I was able to drag Michael to Eternal Sunshine. It was interesting in a positve way, kind of trippy, but not as trippy as I thought it would be... actually I don't know what I thought it would be... but it was funny... romantic comedy (hell yeah!) underneath it all...

What else? Dunno. I've got King of Thai looking me in the eye all evilly... but in front of it is my French for my midterm tomorrow... zut alors, merde merde beaucoup de merde!!!... I want new earrings... what looks good with my face shape?

Went to Blowfish Sushi to Die For! on Thursday night for Joycelyn's birthday... it was all fancy schmancy... loved it... it was funn...

I don't know what else... I forget. I had ice cream and cookies at work this weekend.