Our school has strawberry milk... let the "guma" begin.
It's time to be the workaholic again so I can make up all the money that I spent in the last five months... plane ticket, books, prepayment for housing, cough cough clothes cough cough...
I'm seeing Jami tomorrow!! She's coming over to play with "sucka"... yay... maybe we'll play cards...
After work Michael & I may travel over to SunValley bc I'm in need of shopping therapy... I almost went downtown on a whim today just to cheer myself up...
Picked out my room next year... it's made for people watching... and it's right across the caf!! Prime location... two doors down from the bathroom... right next to the elevator/stairs... on the third floor... across from the current roommate & her SM... no more heart attack hill, baby.
I want a dog. The ones on TV are funn.
I forget what else. Bye.