the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Saturday, April 16, 2005


huge happiness goin on right now, man. =) 39 LOYOLA! too bad i can barely pronounce it. =) but it's ok, bc im not homeless anymore...

ok back to chinese & int'l politics.

Friday, April 15, 2005

hola. my mind's been in a different place lately, but things are looking up... it's mostly all mindset cause on the surface everything's actually v. v. good. yeah...

i miss the boyfriend. he's off galavanting with science right now while I procrastinate in the sonoma snoopy library. he left me with strawberry kiwi vitamin water so i dont miss him too much. j.kidding. he said he'd be released an hour early. if he's not, that's mean. oh well it could be worse. he coulda made me sit in on a science class. he got me roses yesterday when i met him @ the concord bart station. then he fed me chinese food. & we watched e.r. & he let me read his maxim. im a v. v. lucky girl, indeed.

happy cause i got to talk to the shargh couple last... wednesday? jami makes jengy happy. i miss her much.

my school scares me because everyone keeps getting robbed, including @ the place where we used to study & the bus stop i always take (by myself!!). too bad i love the city... with all of its crime and high living prices. it's this love/hate relationship we have. as long as they dont take vikrum. anyone feel like sending me forty two songs so i can hit my first milestone with vikrum? people were listening to my shared files... i feel special. i love itunes because i can listen to the beach boys. dont YOU wish they all could be california girls? hella...

so what now. two tests next week, both politics. research paper/project. finals for pretty much ALL of my classes. final papers for at least two of them. packing up 317 phelan & shipping it to 322 n.1st st. for the summer. packing for the p.i. getting pretty for otc. etcetera.

did you hear about this whole being able to get a 2400 on your SATs now? and you wanted a 1600... silly rabbit, SATs are for kids.

cant you just see the baby uggs on baby federline/spears already?