i had a dream about high school musical earlier this week... oh man.
i need an umbrella. lulu guinness is broke phi broke. im hella sad. i keep getting caught in the rain (with no pina coladas boo), and i try to think about kenny chesney "theres something sexy about the rain" but it's not, not when your pants are dragging and you have to keep wearing the ugly broken bandolino shoes to work when all you wanna do is show your loves to calvin.
it's not making much sense. yes i think i realized how many name brands i dropped in that paragraph. im elitist, i know. but 1, a lot of it i buy it on my own dolla dolla, or it's a birthday/christmas/anniversary present. and 2, i still like target. which is why maybe i wouldn't be able to live in hawaii, land of no target. and 3... i'm realizing that quality does really count, and i can't keep buying half ass isht because you can tell the difference. or i can, anyway. but really now.
sorry. i made sinigang with salmon. and tater tots. michael told me that burger kings has cheesy tots, with the cheese inside the tot. WTF. you know i never really say WTF but if anything deserves it, it's this. cheese inside a tot. it's not on the website. i just tried to google "cheesy tots" and do images. i came across polka dots mittens page, which i thought was rather amusing. fantastic the things you find when you're wondering what in the world cheese stuffed tots look like.
im turning into quite the lush as it feels that i've had a drink every weekend... michael & i went to applebees last saturday night to "celebrate" and that was funn even though "it was just me and him" (yes i am going to throw that back in your face... inyoface!). we might be heading to D&B's this weekend, which is going to be like chuck e cheese but drunk!!! cool, air hockey drunk... hella funn to be had. excitement.
so i JUST watched ocean's 11 last tuesday... i heart matt damon. right when he gets into the safe when he's in that all black outfit. hott. he's got that quiet geek thing going on... kinda clark kenty. yes. that's it. i don't think i really liked him back in junior high when he was in good will hunting. i just wanted to oppose my friend's crush to ben affleck. but i really didn't like minnie driver, and i still don't.
britney's on will & grace today! and there's a new episode of the office! so excited.
i've been having kind of an eh week, but this blog doesn't sound like that's so... so maybe things are better than i feel they are. there's lots to enjoy in life. like tomorrow, there will be teacake cookies (on one level, redundant, bc teacake means cookie, in some references) AND key lime cake. eff yeah. "food's cool and all. it tastes good and you need it to live" =) bya
i need an umbrella. lulu guinness is broke phi broke. im hella sad. i keep getting caught in the rain (with no pina coladas boo), and i try to think about kenny chesney "theres something sexy about the rain" but it's not, not when your pants are dragging and you have to keep wearing the ugly broken bandolino shoes to work when all you wanna do is show your loves to calvin.
it's not making much sense. yes i think i realized how many name brands i dropped in that paragraph. im elitist, i know. but 1, a lot of it i buy it on my own dolla dolla, or it's a birthday/christmas/anniversary present. and 2, i still like target. which is why maybe i wouldn't be able to live in hawaii, land of no target. and 3... i'm realizing that quality does really count, and i can't keep buying half ass isht because you can tell the difference. or i can, anyway. but really now.
sorry. i made sinigang with salmon. and tater tots. michael told me that burger kings has cheesy tots, with the cheese inside the tot. WTF. you know i never really say WTF but if anything deserves it, it's this. cheese inside a tot. it's not on the website. i just tried to google "cheesy tots" and do images. i came across polka dots mittens page, which i thought was rather amusing. fantastic the things you find when you're wondering what in the world cheese stuffed tots look like.
im turning into quite the lush as it feels that i've had a drink every weekend... michael & i went to applebees last saturday night to "celebrate" and that was funn even though "it was just me and him" (yes i am going to throw that back in your face... inyoface!). we might be heading to D&B's this weekend, which is going to be like chuck e cheese but drunk!!! cool, air hockey drunk... hella funn to be had. excitement.
so i JUST watched ocean's 11 last tuesday... i heart matt damon. right when he gets into the safe when he's in that all black outfit. hott. he's got that quiet geek thing going on... kinda clark kenty. yes. that's it. i don't think i really liked him back in junior high when he was in good will hunting. i just wanted to oppose my friend's crush to ben affleck. but i really didn't like minnie driver, and i still don't.
britney's on will & grace today! and there's a new episode of the office! so excited.
i've been having kind of an eh week, but this blog doesn't sound like that's so... so maybe things are better than i feel they are. there's lots to enjoy in life. like tomorrow, there will be teacake cookies (on one level, redundant, bc teacake means cookie, in some references) AND key lime cake. eff yeah. "food's cool and all. it tastes good and you need it to live" =) bya