the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Friday, November 07, 2003

Hmm... I could say something on a reflection basis but I know it'll probably be taken the wrong way...

I like college... how it's okay to be by oneself a lot and be comfortable with it... how I've made vegging out an art form... the best thing about college (for me personally, not for other people probably) is the lack of drama... yes... no drama... the best thing about college and the worst thing about high school... no matter what the roommate tries to tell me... so I object to all forms of recurring high school drama... cause we're not in high school anymore...

I'm not an old lady... I'm just settled... settled with the comfortable sleeping hours... settled with the boyfriend (of almost two years!! =) )... settled with the understanding how family oriented I am...

I'd be a lot more comfortable with myself if I'd stop comparing myself to everyone else's lifestyles. Nicole Kidman's idea of a perfect night is staying in with a DVD and some takeout Chinese food! I have to start comparing myself to people like that!...

Dammit I already brushed my teeth but I totally feel like that last piece of pizza in the fridge...


=( No one's sending me letters anymore... but technically with Jae & Guna, it's my turn, isn't it? I'll get to that... I always want to send stuff but that's more expensive.

YAY me & Jami are planning a post-Thanksgiving double date!! I'm so excited.

I feel queasy right now.

I have speech practice. I'm quite unprepared.

It's my first Friday night here @ USF! How exciting! I plan on staying in and watching movies all night long... maybe do ballroom hw... I'm so excited.

Last night Michael "surprised" me by stopping by. We ate pizza and watched Finding Nemo and sleepily argued with Kat about the Lakers vs Kings. =)

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Ok so yesterday because I felt sad and had nothing to do... my resort was the infamous POWER NAP. Man that was great. I love it. & then I stayed up till two thirty doing homework, until Steph came back and got possessed to clean our her closet!! That was pretty damn funny.

The bottom of my mouth hurts. Did you know that I have an extra bone in my mouth? Okay so feel the roof of your mouth. Notice how it's kind of what's it called, concave, like a parenethesis or something? It curves inward yeah? Well I have a bone in the middle, so it doesn't curve's like a little bump or hill on the roof of my mouth. Hahaha I didn't know that until my dentist told me that like a year ago!

I wonder what would happen if me & Michael ever went to the same school while we went out. We got used to our "college schedule" of seeing each other once a week my senior year. I denno... I miss him... I was sad the other day cause I hella just threw away a really good oportunity to see him and spend time with him. I was just really mad at myself and the situation.

Do I feel like coffee? Kinda sorta.

I have to meet with my advisor. Man, I'm so confused as to what's going on with the schedule. I have to finish up my english class cause it's year long, and I have to take another politics class, and another French class. So...? I'm deciding if I want to do another Core Curriculum or start in with one of my minors. CONFUSION.

How the hell did it get to be three o clock so quickly??? Grr. Class is evil.

I can go pee and wash my hands and return to my room in under two minutes.

Did you know that Mango-A-Go-Go makes your pee like, florescent yellow?

Cereal is a great thing. I love it. Millk is a good thing too.

Do you know about Mad Libs? I think Mad Libs is created by a fake writer...a writer who can sort of tell a story but it has all these holes in it and he/she can't complete it. So it's like, oh, I'll print it out and make funny stories out of people finishing the story for me!

I like blogging when I'm eating. I think better.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

For the first time in a relationship I'm admitting my faults... understanding my shortcomings... accepting that I can be to blame...

The downside to this is that your self-esteem leven drops to extreme levels and you begin to wonder what kind of person you are and understanding that what you deserve is basically nothing. And when you get nothing, the only thing that you can say and think is that you had it coming.

I just feel like turning off everything, hiding beneath my bed sheets, and crying my ass off nonstop. Oh wait I did that already. I want to do it again. That's all I feel like doing, ever.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Hello! So yes, last week when I was in line for crepes two white guys were in front of me and talking about how crepes are getting all popular now and they're popping up everywhere and it's like all Euro trendy or something. That's like saying how our global place has terriyaki (I should put it in quotes cause it's kinda gross) chicken and how that's all Asian trendy.

Today... had classes... did a lot of nothing... tried to nap... went grocery shopping with Steph & Clarissa and got free soda cause I got Michael Finding Nemo on DVD and all that jazz... it was pretty funny...

I really realy want to see Love, Actually... it puts me in the mood for Christmas... Christmas excites me... yeah that's why I'm trying to buy presents now!!! Two year anniversary is more important than Christmas right??? I want it to be Christmas... me & Stephie bought hot cocoa with bunny shaped marshmellows. I'm so excited.

Uhm what else??? Michael, I don't want to get married on a Wednesday so we can't get married on June 10, 2009. =) Jami & Sean know what I'm talking about... see what you did Cha!!!

Monday, November 03, 2003

I'm tired and somewhat procrastinating and then I want to clean because when my space is clean then my mind is clear and everything is just better but then what makes things even more better is when I get to see my boyfriend cause that makes me quite happy and what else I don't remember I'm just really sleepy and I hate doing research and I want to become a politician!

Congrats to P. Diddy for completing the NY Marathon. 26 miles. And for NY public schools?? Hot damn... you go on & celebrate with your Cristal...

UHM I don't remember what else... more later okay bye

Hmm yes... so I like how my friends have told me that my Thanksgiving weekend is for being with Guna & Jae... yay...

My back hurts. I feel broken. I hate being on my period.

I really want a crepe but the "Crepe Man" wasn't at his station when I went half an hour ago. Erego, I must return to the scene of the crime and claim the strawberry brown sugar nutella crepe that is rightfully mine.

Cha (who apparently likes dog vomit??) will be the lucky recipient of a long pencil note type letter in the future. Yes.

I'm doing something that I never thought I'd be doing... but it's for a good cause... isn't it Chrissy & Tricia & Sean & Jae & John??? Haha... I can't put it up here tho... yeah... as Tricia said, I've crossed over to the dark side... but I'm not addicted! Only in good causes... meaning not for me!!

I miss KFC.

I REALLY REALLY dont want to do my paper. If I still had time to procrastinate, I would. I really really would. I wish I had some coffee here. Good coffee. I don't feel like walking to Club Ed for some Peet's. Nor do I feel like spending actual money on Starbucks.

My feet are cold. Is it crepe time yet?

Sunday, November 02, 2003

As my neighbor said... today's the day that everyone feels like shit...

I feel Jami, concerning the first day that your monthly friend comes to visit... ya know, Auntie Flow, the one that always dresses in red??... HEY TOM IM BLEEDING!

I'm deciding if I should eat my dim sum now or save it till later.. I kind of feel like the whole eating cause I'm bored thing.

When I came back to the dorm today, Jami's letter was waiting for me. I'm going to put up the pictures near the flower Steph made for me.

I know how everyone's waiting for Thanksgiving break so they can go home... but I do that already... and my Thanksgiving break doesn't mean much... I don't get to see that many people, cause Thursday is when I'm with relatives... then on Friday me & Michael are going to the Kings game... then I don't know about the weekend...

I'm looking forward to Christmas break... sort of. Michael's not going to be here for seventeen days. And days always go by longer when there are holidays involved. So I don't get to say Merry Christmas or Happy New Year to him. That thought really depresses me. But then everyone will be home and Cha can come watch movies with me and eat everything in my house and play with the cats and Jami can come over and play with me and play with SUCKA and Tricia and I can go gallavanting to wherever and not spend money...

I'm thinking about sending Chrissy Hershey bars... but then won't they melt? Does that matter if I just want her to get the wrappers?

I'm not feeling good, and it's not just the physical I hate being a female thing.

Maybe it's cause it was my last day of work today & bc of the crampies I had to go home within an hour & a half... I'm going to miss everyone. I've never had that much bonding within such a short amount of time.

Yesterday I saw a baby and thought... "I want one!". Yes. And I want to be engaged, Cha. Then you can look forward to dressing up and telling others how to dress up and then you get to eat cake, get gifts, and go on vacation for a bit.