the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Saturday, May 17, 2003

Alright, so yes I was reading Jae's blog & it reminded me... Kings' playoff game tonight! In like thirty minutes or an hour or something! OMGEEZE GAME 7 W/OUT C WEBB?!?!? So yeah, let me enlighten you with the funny conversation I had with Jae...(ps this isn't verbatim, it's the gist of it tho!)

Jae: Screw the Kings! Go Mavs!
Me: Uhm alrite Jae... so where are the Mavs from again??
Jae: Uhmm... uhhhhhm... SEAN! Where are the Mavs from???
both of us: laughter

Yes. I know my basketball (haha, unlike SOME people Jami!!! =D ). Today I had Cosmo! Girl & Sports Illustrated & for some convoluted reason I chose to read Sports Illustrated first. Whoa. It's sort of like my oral report story for English but not. Okay. Bye! Go Kings!

This is what I'm doing instead of studying for my three, count em three, finals on Monday... I'm having issues with my wire sculpture for art... jennie where are you?!!?... & then I need quizzes 1-10 for Physics... ANYONE???... pleeease... grr. Hate finals. But they're good cause after they're done, they're over! and like everything's over! Weird. Okay, okay I must remind myself to tell myself that when one door closes, one more will open, and then a few years later, you laugh at yourself for being afraid of doors and what you did when you walked in and all that happy junk. Okae... I can handle this. I can! Just wait... till like August then I'll start freaking out again. Or maybe at orientation... that's in like June or July right? Jeez...

Uhm... yesterday, Friday, Cha & Jae & Guna came over to work on Prayer in Motion stuff... & we just chilled and fought with stuffed animals and talked and ate for a couple hours... that was greatness... & then Michael came early for our dinner date so my friends left & me & him went to J's Garden for hong kong chow mein (@first I put those in Capital letters cause you know, chow mein is THAT important, like a proper noun & stuff)... & sizzling rice soup. Mmm. That was great. then we went grocery shopping, & i paid back michael for the pack of gum he bought me & he used the dollar to buy a scratcher card & he let me choose & I scratched it with a quarter made in 1983 (michael's birth year, cause that's what he said to do... find a coin in your birth year... so i settled for one in his)... & we won six dollars!!!!! on my first scratcher! that was pretty damn cool.

& then yes we went to jamba where I saw this one kid who went to st pats in freshman year but he didn't remember me... & i saw garvin & his gf (i think??) there & he surprised me by introducing me to her... I thought that he just woulda said hi & be done with me, but yeah, sometimes people surprise you!.. & then michael & i went to the spring concert... where they sing pretty... yes.

Today... it's a beautiful day, but I'm sure if I step outside I'll start sneezing & watering up horribly... so I've been here all day, eating & trying to study while watching tv... yes i multitask forreals, so i'm not being entirely unproductive. Tuesday's my last day of classes! Friday's my last day @ school for finals! omgeeze... i spend too much time @ that school, that's why I'm feeling all weird & familiar with it... uhhm yes I'm not in a deep mood so i wont go into that now... okae bye!

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Bonjour! I'm so tired. But yes, ok today is wednesday... two days till seeing Michael, yay... uhm what else... i like how did my physics paper yesterday, and then lost the disk, then had to retype it again... but I already did it so it wasn't too bad cause it's only one page anyways...uhhhm yoga tody wasnt too bad... it was relaxing... drew's tai chi was pretty funn too... ohhh i so want something pierced... & yes... I have a few things due for English... but I think that I'll be okay... three essays in one day? Totally do-able! Yes. I can do it & be in bed by eleven thirty. & have a farewell core team dinner. just watch me.

ick. dont like maggie on sorority life. like nicole & brooke. brooke wears a lot of black. okae bye

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Uhhhm... pre-prom was great... prom itself wasnt too bad... post prom sucked the worst. My trust in mankind has been displaced. Yes... upsetness... like heaving hysterical crying. It wasn't funn.

The rest of Saturday was funn though... it was my parents' twenty seventh or something anniversary plus we were celebrating mom's day early, so we went to my future home city and we ate @ this swanky seafood sort of vietnamese place... it was like vietnamese based, but come on, they don't describe their food as having "beurre blanc reduction" and "an infusion of ginger and citrus", if you know what I mean.

Quick side note, that makes me think that I'm sort of pseudo Asian sometimes, you know? Cause yes, I know of Filipinos who still don't know the difference between Japanese and Chinese, which is just as ignorant as those white people who don't know the difference and think that prawns are like shrimp, but bigger. But anyways, yeah, so during a presentation during World Religions today, Krisna Co was all talking mad Chinese and writing in characters and it was soo whoaa... it was greatness. It made me feel all ignorant and closed minded.

Anyways, yes, so Sunday I go to San Bruno for the extra-extra family bonding, & I go with my sis & cousin to go see Lizzie McGuire (again)... yes, I've discovered that who you're watching with influences what you think of the movie. I had more funn with my, like, ten friends. We were all clapping and dancing and singing along, so yes, I had more funn there. Not saying that I don't enjoy spending time with my sister & cousin... they make me feel older & more intelligent with the conversations I have with them... I feel pretty comfortable with them, as I should. But yes, they're older (six and eight years, respectively), so yes... anyways...

Today, Tuesday, was the Spirit Squad Banquet @... CHUCK E CHEESE. Haha... yeah... we had pizza then me & Eileen Gail played Jurassic Park & bowling & DDR... she makes me feel inferior there too... & then Cha & Stephie & me enjoyed the ride home with all of the drivers out there on that open highway... while Cha played her kazoo along with J Lo's "Feelin So Good". ... oh and yes, @ c.e.c, I took a tattoo that I do not plan on giving back, but instead plan on giving to Tricia.

I'm a lil hungry. I only had one slice of pizza over there, & then when i got home I made vegetable stir fry with fried rice. It was extremely healthy, but it wasn't too filling, really. But it was good cause I made it with sesame oil. Mmm. It's my high metabolism that makes me eat too often & think about food a lot. But I'm gaining weight. I get no sympathy there, despite the fact that I am 4'10 & I really don't want to be small & chubby. No small & chubby. No.