the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Friday, August 20, 2004

Hi. It was my last day of work today. They were all so sweet, they surprised me with a pizza lunch... they got me a card and I coulda left work right after lunch... and yeah... I'll miss it... it's been an experience... I think that for whatever reason, I'm more comfortable with people who are older than me rather than people my own age. I hope that's not like a cop out or something, but yeah... but maybe that's not true bc Jay Vending was funn too and those were all people my age too... I denno... introspective thang...

So tomorrow I move out of the apartment here. I'll miss Terry & Pewter... and of course, my sister. We've come to understand each other... I'll also miss all the food and the cooking and the greatness of it all. And It's a Grind. MM fifty fifty. That's half white chocolate half orange juice... really good. Yeah I'll miss that. And Fridays. And Friday dinners. We went to Red Robin's tonight. Onion rings were good...

Last Wednesday, Belle and her friends took me out to the Old Spaghetti Factory for a goodbye dinner. That was funn too... good food... pretty cheap... funn conversation... it's interesting being around all of these twenty year olds who are all engaged or married or about to buy a motorcycle or whatever. It makes me feel young. When they talk about having kids, they mean like next year!

Yeah moving in on Sunday evening... got an interview Monday afternoon... nervous. Then I have to figure out which class I'm taking Monday & Wednesday mornings... they go and cancel the Holocaust on me... after I bought the books... hopefully things'll work out. Can't do anything till Thursday tho.

How am I feeling... I denno... yeah I don't know. I think I feel bad cause I haven't updated in a really long time. Goodnight.

Change feels odd.

(PS Sorry Michael I know I haven't gone over anythign that's happened between us lately. You know I'll obsess over soon)