the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Being offline for the past couple of days is strange... it has its upsides... bc when you come back it's like EVERYONE updated their xanga or blog stuff... everyone cept for michael of course, but he NEVER updates so whatever.

Where have I been... Thursday was Kimmy's birthday (party)... so we ventured to Newark... went to Newpark mall for food & Katelyn's belated birthday present... I met Kimmy's best friend Kimberly (& then their boyfriends' names are Ron & Don, respectively... how funn is that...)... & yeah... it was funn... I learned how to BBQ... technically... hehe. Then when we left, we went to Q Cup & met my sister there & talked out her drama...

Friday... work... thenn... bought tickets for American Wedding (okay time for a sidenote... when we were there, like looking up @ movie times, there were these underage [meaning under 17] hoodlums with Spy Kids 3-D glasses there & one of them came up to us & asked us which movie we were going to see... he had twenty bucks in his hand, like he wanted us to buy him American Wedding tickets... and hell no I'm not about to do that [maybe for like, one of my coworkers or something, but not for strange children [even if they were like fifteen or whatever] so I was all "uhhm we don't know what we're watching yet)

So then yeah... we got jamba cause we were like an hour early... saw MW people there, including Christina Aguon, said hello... then yes, watched the movie... pretty gross (when I saw Reggie today, he thought it was the funniest thing ever... thats what the boyfriend thought too) but not as bad as I thought it would be... then we went to Pasta Pomodoro, shared some Shrimp Scampi & Tortellini soup... mmm...

Today! Work as usual... I saw Angela & Regina, whom I've missed dearly cause I hardly ever see them anymore, & I adore them cause they're funn as hell... Regina's so great... we're able to talk so easily & confidantly (not confidently, but as in confidant type of thing yes?)... so I wish her the best in her situation and ahem, friendships... & Angela, man... "Plastic makes thing possible. Plastic's like cotton, it's everywhere! Cotton? The fabric of our lives? Cotton candy??" Hahaha... PINK. Glad she doesn't read this otherwise she'd hate me!!

After work... went out with the family... went to Bed Bath & Beyond in Pleasant Hill to buy a shower caddy & xtra long twin sheets... then ate @ I Love Terriyaki & Sushi... that was pretty damn good... I discovered they have chicken katsu by another name... sesame chicken... so yes... mm... then we went to the mall so I could try to find a dress for Eileen Gail's cotillion... & I saw Darlene & Desiree there... they saw me first & they were all "Jay Vending! Jay vending!"... @ first I thought they were saying Jengy but yes... haha... they sound the same I swear!! Hahaha... ok.

So yes... funny conversation today... it's not quite verbatim but the gist of it... characters? Three white guys, maybe twenty ish or something... and me!... okay I was going to do it like a play but I don't remember how it started! So I got soda for this one guy, then they started to say my name and pretend like they were psychic & I wasn't wearing a name tag or whatever... then they asked if they could call me Zebra... & I said sure... and they were all trying variations of it, like J Zebra, Jenny Z, etc... and then they asked me if they put on their wigs & danced around if I wouldn't charge them tax... I said no, even tho they put on their wigs & yeah... & then they told the Asian family behind them in line to call me Jenny Z... I don't think the family spoke much English tho... & yes... they complimented the customer service... & then the Asian family was irritating bc they didn't check the cash register to see how much I charged them & they started saying how like it was the wrong change cept they couldn't speak English much and they just kept saying "ten dolla! ten dolla!" & pointing at the change they laid out.

When you're in America... especially when you live here... it's nice if you speak English. It also helps if you understand it. This is why I'm hesitant to travel abroad... think of all the peopl e I'd irritate... & all the people who could rip me off & I wouldn't even know it! Okay bye!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

I don't like being angry... it wastes so much energy... energy that could have been better spent... doing something productive...

Getting paid for sitting and doing nothing is nice. I'll remember this fondly when I'm busting my ass, working to pay the rent in how many years... probably within like another four years or less or something...

Funny thing of the day... little kids begging for cotton candy... in another language!! Accents, especially Euro, are intriguing.

My new thing? American Juniors... it makes me miss dance team... @ the same time, I'm scared about that Ballroom/Swing dance class I'm going to take bc like, what if it's all complicated and specialized and stuff & I can't keep up & I make a fool (not act a fool...) of myself?... hmm. Scary.


Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Should I start or end on a bad note? Bc I hate how one thing can get me irritated so easily... it's my own fault for letting it get to me, and my power of assumption that is too often used for evil, not good... so yes I'll just start it off...

Uhhm... I guess I'll make this more general, even though it applies to one thing only... I think I'm irritated at people who at some point in time made the biggest deal about keeping friendships after high school and staying "friends forever" and all that bs, but come summer after high school, and they're basically MIA. & then they bitch and complain about how they never see anyone anymore, or they're let down by that fact... when all they do is spend their time with their significant other anyway.

HOLD IT. Before this may sound hypocritical... bc I know that outside of my family, this summer has been all about work & the bf. While I do miss people I used to see on a daily basis, I'm not bitching about it... I accepted the fact that high school friends are, for the most part, simply that (high school friends), long before graduation even occured. So yes.

Uhhm. I guess I'm just mad bc I don't see how those people get off saying those things when I don't think they have a right to be angry about it... I know this is really vague, but I really don't want to mention names or specifics, so I guess we'll just leave it at that... I just needed to rant is all.

Today! Today Charlene, Deanna, Mike, Sue, & the boyfriend & I went to Waterworld... so Charlene could get rid of her champion vending tan, haha... it was quite funn with the pee water that Charlene drank LOL & then she starts looking like she's lost @ sea... the funn part? Ha, the wave pool, & then the horn, followed by the "ahh! Ahh! Yay!! Yeah!!!" with the waving of the hands and arms ecstatically. Yeah... you had to be there.

After Waterworld, Michael & I went to SunValley so he could get his cousins' birthday presents... then we went back to his house so I could greet the ill Dru... ill as in sick, in the bad way, you know? Not the... yeah the slang way or anything, no... haha... but yes his new BMW's all shiny & tinted & pretty...

So then I come home to find my tan line and my sunburnt shoulders... Michael has them too, cept I think his might be worse bc I have after sun aloe lotion & I doubt that he does... oh well...

Next on my summer itinerary (which has really been the most productive summer I've ever had, I'm happy to say)... work tomorrow, Kimmy's birthday party on Thursday, work Friday, Saturday, & maybe Sunday, & somewhere between this all I'm trying to fit in a trip to Nordstrom to get those sweaters, & probably becoming well versed in Wal Mart, Linens n Things, & Bed Bath & Beyond bc dorm shopping is a must. Alright then... hope you all are making the most of your summer! Take care!

Monday, July 28, 2003

PS... Who is IMsOoPOOtiful?... for a second I thought it was Jojo (coming home on Friday!), bc I remember he had this Pootie Tang thing for awhile, but then it's under the girls' part of my aim buddy list so... is it cha or tricia or someone else who had the whole "little poots" thing from Rocko's Modern Life?... Those were cool by the way... I don't know!!! But yeah, I'm not about to im it and be all who are you... I don't like it when people do that to me so yeah. Okay... just putting that out there to the cosmic void... "so goodnight, dear void"... (from You've Got Mail)

Work was funn... getting paid to do nothing is always funn! Port O Call... besides the sign with the wrong prices on it, it's all funn!! Hehe... yeah. I missed everyone who was back @ Sharkey's tho... alrite, Des, it's all about having that fresh smell of burnt popcorn in the morning to remind you that you're at work!

I'm SO looking forward to going out with Michael tomorrow... we haven't had alone time since... Aimee's cotillion, & even then it wasn't really alone time, cept for in the car... so yay, mall time for us. Cept I'm not getting paid till Thursday, & it's not even going to be a lot, & I have to buy stuff for school (that starts in EXACTLY one month! CRAZY!)... & I don't think I get paid again till school starts so yeah... dammit...

Things to buy that aren't related to school...
-outfit for Eileen Gail's debut
-outfit for Krystal's cotillon

Dammit, my dad was right. I spend all my money on these damn cotillions!!!

I miss my boyfriend... he has a headache right now... & he never blogs anymore... he says that he can't on his xanga... HA! Further proof that xanga is not all cracked up to what it's supposed to be!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JON! Sorry I couldn't go to your "surprise" party yesterday, but I HEART YOU LIFETIME BUDDIE!

Sunday, July 27, 2003

Harrow! SoOOoo... time for a recap...

Saturday morning I woke up like I usually do for work... then keeled over in the shower & had to get out before the conditioner rinsed off... cause I was dying... man mother nature is a bitch when she's telling me that my body is normal... but then it can't be that normal cause when I took some Motrin with water, I threw it up... that was a sign that work might be a no-no... so I called in sick, then my sis came home... so she could try & forget her ordeals...

I mainly rested.. then me & her went out in the early evening to go watch How To Deal... Mandy Moore did okay in it... but the story kinda had no point... then we met Michael @ Starbucks, then proceeded to Tony's (aka Peking Palace, my family's usual eatery.. no I'm not just making a racial joke or something, yeah we eat there a lot)... we got sizzling rice soup, salt & pepper chicken wings, & chicken chow mein... I didn't really eat a lot bc I started to cramp again... & then when we left, I threw up in the parking lot... not good. It was weird cause you know when you throw up you have that gross sour stomach acid taste? Yeah, instead, it tasted like Chinese food. Hehe... that's so gross to say tho.

Afterwards, we went home & we watched X Men & Lucky 7s... it was an entertaining evening... it was especially nice seeing Michael now that my "punishment" is over... my sister looked @ me weird when I explained to her my grounding...

Today I woke up feeling slightly better & went to work... it was an alright day, cept that customers were mean today... like more than one gave the response "Shit..." when I told them that their "$2.99" drink included tax (making it 3.25, but not really bc the tax is wrong or something)... & then people got all mad bc the tax is wrong and we're stealing twenty seven cents from them... that's what they said... & then they asked for my name (cause you know, they can read prices, but they can't read nametags or something)...

So I'm trying to think of how they're going to complain... "This worker named Jennifer stole 27 cents bc the tax on the stand's sign is wrong."... I don't think they remembered the name of the stand... or what I was wearing... so they don't know I'm Jay Vending or that it's a Jay Vending stand, cause they didn't look @ the permit... so oh well... like Kelly said, it's not my fault...

Kelly's last day was today... so he's going off back home to Georgia, then onto the army I think??... sad. He came to Jay Vending around the same time I did too.

Uhhhm... so yeah here I am. I was afraid to eat today bc of all the vomiting, but I'm okay now. I made good Rice Krispy treats too. Okay bye!