the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

retail therapy is ailve and well!!

got a reminder of how damaging it can be to talk s about people via the internet. not cool. high school drama exists after high school because people dont know how to grow up.

jon&lucaspalooza tomorrow. a lil somethin somethin to keep me in check while i stress about what im going to do with my life, and plan on not failing on my future during the rest of this month while all of my teachers decide to test my limits. holler.

blogger wasnt being nice to me before today.

ok. 29 pages of european human rights law. ready set go.

What up. It's effing crazy up in here for the next... forever. Till the end of the semester in friggin MAY. So tiring. I'm finding myself constantly lathargic... school has hit me like a ton of bricks, man. So not cool.

But it's good becuase I've been cracking down on my reading and writing and whatnot. Vikrum keeps me good company. If only Crossroads would be more consistent with their providing of the Vitamin Water & green plum tea, I'd be rocking my way on up. But the additional stress of, as Steph would say, "what am i going to do with my life" syndrome, things feel more hectic than they are.

I need to make a list to organize my chaos... argh this doesnt even include normal hw, aka the buttload of reading three of my classes call for

philo paper 1200 wds due thurs
philo presentation panopticism 1000 wds due mon
ch. politics draft 5-8 pp due mon
roo visits tomorrow
jonandlucaspalooza thursday night blue cube
dentist appt 220pm friday
must buy mom's bday present by 4/8
advising (aka decide what you're gonna do w/your life) 4/5-4/7
registration 3pm 4/12
int'l law paper ICJ 4/12
ch pol test 4/18
int'l law test 4/19

in the beginning of the semester, three out of four of my teachers (if not all four) talked about how the class had an s-load of stuff to do, readings, papers, cases, projects, etc... and advised that if we were already taking a heavy class, it might be best to not take another one... i think i might have felt like i took it too easy last semester and thought i'd be ready for this... i'll guess i'll find out if i am or not... but so far so good. just gotta hang. as in, in there.

Monday, March 28, 2005

how come on the bachelor & bachelorette there's always like all white people and just one black person, and then during the how do you do's, the black person asks the white bachelor(ette) how they feel about interracial dating, and they always say how fine they are with it, but they never make it past that first episode...

it's hard to focus. coming back to school is hitting me like a ton of bricks. i feel dizzy and sleepy all the time. i got spoiled during break. im exhausted.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

What up yall.

My break was good good. Now it's ending with Chinese food in the tummy while listening to Set Adrift on Memory's Bliss, Backstreet Boys style. NICE. Too bad there's unpacking involved too. Not so nice. I could use some Vitamin Water to get me through this.

Cried out of happiness for like the what, fourth time in my life ever, during the break. i've always depended on the kindness of strangers.

My roots are bronzey. The weather makes me dread escuela manana, but what can you do? I wanna see Sin City cause it's got a buttload of people in it. I just gotta cover Michael's eyes whenever Jessica Alba and her stripper lasso come onscreen. yikes.

who's on spring break right now?? who knew that it took one week to get one's life back into perspective? who's subconsciously raising their hands right now?

extreme makeover home edition then new episode of desperate housewives! i'm ever so blessed.