the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Thursday, June 03, 2004

I love that new Sprint commercial when that little new girl gets the pretty coloring set and all of the other kids are all sad and it shows... I like a lot of the Sprint commercials, like those fraternity/sorority ones with seven.

Do you fold or crumple your toilet paper? I do a combination of both... a messy fold or a near crumple, if you will.

Michael's kicking my ass (again!) in Literati. I've created a monster. Speaking of spelling games, did you hear that a little kid fainted and then once he got up he spelled his word and he did it correctly? Children these days are amazing! All cute in commercials and spelling big words after fainting. I hope my kids are like that. Well, I'd rather them be healthy enough not to faint while spelling big words... and that'd be pretty damn cool if I had the genes to make a pretty television kid (altho the drama that comes with that... but the college money! Oh the choices!)

I was listening to Bone Thugs a couple of days ago and it was playing First of the Month and it was the First of the Month and it's like Easy E knows man... he knows! Yeah... sorry that was me ad my ironic humor.

So my work is like a time out. Staring at the wall for small periods of time that feels like forever... yeah that's what I do a lot of... it's been slow lately. I get excited whenever piles of paper stack up in front of me. That's how pathetic I am. But for every fifteen minutes I suffer, three twenty five goes into my pocket. That's as much as a small soft frozen lemonade costs.

I saw Adam and Joe and Jason on TV yesterday when the news was doing a story on the elephant that stabbed a trainer with its tusk... DAMN. Too bad me & Michael were all laughing and pointing at the TV when Adam did his interview that I couldn't hear what Adam was saying. He's not supposed to vend near the elephant encounter!

GEEZ he is SO kicking my ass in this. He shows no mercy. I had a huge lead so I felt sorry for him so I started making small letters and he won... and then he has huge leads and he doesn't let up... he just continues on with the massacre. It's a good thing he's nice to look at.

Nordstrom is my new enemy. It's out to get me. It depresses me.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Hey. Sad last day of work on Monday. The last fifteen minutes, I did nothing... and all day I went around saying "What are you gonna do, fire me??". It was funn. I'll miss work... I felt all sad... in ways that I hadn't felt and that I probably should have felt when I graduated...

Elton John is nice to listen to at work. Those Fanta commercials are hella scary.

Look at my new watch. Then tell me not to feel so free with my credit card anymore because I keep getting tempted... BFD tickets!! But my watch is funn. My dad was trying to convince me to get a Swiss Army watch from Costco, pointing to it and saying "Hey Jengy, you wanted your bling bling, here's your bling bling. See, you can go bling." Or something to that effect. Yeah that's not verbatim, but it's seriously damn close.

Michael's taking my picture with his phone right now I think and he's trying to make it so I don't notice. Ha.

I got my first papercut at work. 30 Minute Meals! =D Ok bye for now.