the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Thursday, April 29, 2004


OMG so I just realized I have $722. 30 left on my flexi account. What does that mean? That means in three weeks I need to spend that much money on food stuffs or lose it forever!!! So if you're going to be in the city the same time I am until May 20th-ish (till the end of my finals), please stop by and ask me to feed yoU! If you're hosting a party or something, I can buy you pizzas! Large pizzas! Drinks! I can buy cases of drinks for you! Boxes of protein health bars! JAMBA! I can buy you Jamba here!! Not on weekends tho bc they're closed, but yes! I can! LET ME BUY YOU FOOD! I'm so not kidding, I'm thinking about buying a bunch of pastries and sandwiches and distributing them to the homeless people on Market Street.

I love how my politics teacher today started lecturing about Christopher Columbus, and he started talking about all of this stuff that I read about in Lies My Teacher Told Me...

UHM I forget what else. VISIT ME AND BUY FOOD PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I'll probably be here during the weekend of my finals, so let's splurge PLEASE!

yo yo yo...

I started around five and ended just a couple of minutes ago, my seven plus page paper on the world trade organization... i think i would have finished it a lot faster if i wasn't so unfocused and distracted. oh well. s'ok. all worked out alright. i hella BSed a really bad paper and got a C in that class, so hopefully this will help out my grade some. this one's a bigger grade anyways. tired.

i don't remember what else i wanted to say. i have mean girls to look forward to on friday after work but then i don't want to watch with all of the teeniebopper ma'arte underage barely in high school girls that will probably be watching at the same time. oh wells. as long as they don't kick the back of my chairs or sit next to me and do that whisper talking that's really loud, it'll be ok. yeah, you know what i'm talking about. otherwise i'll have to do the reincarnation of my sister during "how to deal"... haha "Fuck if you're not going to watch the fucking movie then get the fuck out!". Not very loving. But hilarious nonetheless.

The boyfriend also got me Love Actually. Yay. We'll be watching that possibly if the game ends early tomorrow. If not, then whenever. I'll probably watch it all weekend. Yay.

Sorry. I'm boring today. I don't know! One paper down, one more to go... then finals. Officially two more weeks till the end of school. Crazy. I don't think my finals should be that bad too, well, I don't know about my French one (although my quiz today was much better than what he's given out in the past)

OH! I'm still here! HA, I hella didn't even know that I didn't post this yet. Ha. I'm so intrigued by Steph's 80s video games. They're hella into it, it's quite amusing. Ok goodnight!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Sorry, this is going to be a bad entry... I'm quite upset today & this is my only way to vent freely.

I started out the day by losing something that is probably in the top three of things that have the most sentimental value to me. I feel naked without it. I really hope it's in my room and that I can find it because it means a lot a lot a lot to me.

I almost got ran over today when I crossed against the light like I usually do. The fucker hella honked at me, then sped by... alright, if you see me crossing the street, don't even try to slow down, just fucking honk... what surprised me the most is that I just kept walking... like I'd do it again if I had the chance... I don't know... I'm not in the right state of mind right now...

I'm in the ITS lab at school because my computer has a virus. People came to figure out the problem and they showed me how to download an antivirus thing. Except for the antivirus system to run, there needs to be an internet connection. The reason I called for help in the first place was that my internet wasn't working. You do the math. I'm just not looking forward to the fact that I might have to lug my CPU somewhere on campus to get it fixed.

In addition to this, I have a research paper due on Thursday. Can't do that without a computer, now can we? Befre I thought it was okay because I could still access USF sites and the databases were fine for my research, but my computer is barely turning on without freezing or acting up.

I hate being nicer to people when they don't act half as nice to me... inconsiderate people suck. On one hand, I feel guilty for being inconsiderate back, but on the other hand, I feel like I"m being walked on and underappreciated and it's like shit, I'll do this for you if you were in the same situation, like I have before in the past, but you don't even try to say or offer anything to me. It's not even to say that I would accept the help if it was offered bc I'd probably be too embarassed and feel pressured, but then it's just the principle of the matter that matters to me.

Honestly, sometimes it feels like I only have my family, and whenever I go to them with problems, their response is usually along the lines of "Well I can't do anything about it. What do you want me to do about it?". Heaven forbid just listening and sympathizing with me be an option.

I remember in high school when I'd have a problem and I had enough people to confide in that I'd find myself repeating my drama like five times within one day to different people... they'd usually just listen or offer sympathy, sometimes advice... I kind of feel like this is being too dependent on others because I couldn't handle my own shit, I think I realize that it'd be nice if I had someone I could talk to about this kind of stuff, and get the same response... I'm not trying to be the damsel in distress and I expect someone to solve all my problems, just some sympathy and reassurance that someone is there if I need them to be.

Sorry if I've made anyone feel guilty with this entry; that wasn't my intention. I just wanted to let all of my feelings out... without the responsibility of responding to whatever reaction anyone has to it. That's what's wrong sometimes when you let out your problems... people take it the wrong way and react in a way that... that's unnecessary.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Hiya. It's been an eventful weekend, mostly good stuff.

Took BART home Thursday night to meet up with Michael in Concord. Had some gyoza & terriyaki, then proceeded to the mall to spend an excessive amount on God knows what. Not really cause it wasn't all for me, but sort of. Went to Target to buy hair dye and nail polish afterwards.

Had work on Friday... that was chill too... got off a lil after three... chilled @ home then decided to head off to the cinema with Michael to watch 13 going on 30. It was cute, but I felt weird bc there were all these 80s references that like no one else understood because I am the I love the 80s on VH1 enthusiast. But it was still cute. I was kind of confused at the end but yeah. After the movies, we headed back home for dinner, then Michael dyed my hair. =) I like having a boyfriend with many useful skills.

Saturday had work again... trained Justine on how to make wraps... then when she was making her first one Marine World decides to do a surprise visit on us and the chick's all watching us and we're all nervous and busy... that was odd... felt sluggish bc I stayed up late the night before, so Ike made me coffee... it was fabulous if not watered down (which was my own fault)... left work early so I would have more time to make myself not smell like work... ate @ the house where all the relatives were helping renovate our downstairs bathroom...

After that had funn @ Chris's house... he liked my present which makes me happy... had good food there too... cocktail shrimp & strawberry shortcake, holler... watched baseball & food network while talking with Chris & Sean & Ryan & Fonzie & Stephie & Jennie & the bf. On the way home, picked up some ice cream for me & roo.

how do YOU pronounce the chick's name from harry potter? I know it's spelled Harmoine, but belle says har-my-nee and I say har-mone-ee. I still don't understand the rules of Quidditch.

Woke up early today cause I thought the Cherry Blossom Festival was at ten. So it was at one. =/ But me & Michael ate @ Denny's, looked @ all of the booths, went around the mall, went around the food booths & got some gyoza/strawberry lemonade/garlic fries... stood on some ledge to watch the parade... saw the mayor! he's all young and good looking for a politician... Michael mostly dog watched... I got him calling all dogs "puppy" now... we got a crepe & took the MUNI back to my school.

Lots of walking... then we had the greatest nap together for a little over an hour before going out for dinner... he just left and I'm here munching on leftovers from dinner. It was a really nice day today. Weather was nice, as long as it was early or late afternoon...

Sorry for the play by play. Nothing like this ever really happens to me... all eventful like and going out and culture-ing myself. Nice weather... I love living in San Francisco.

Now it's time for switching back and forth between Full House and the Spurs/Grizzlies game. Hoping that Grizzlies will make a comeback. =( Uncle Jesse still has a mullet in these episodes.