the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

on hiatus...

in the meantime, i could use a shoulder to cry on.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Hey man. (That was for you Jon... by the way # 19 doesn't drive the Cheby, he drives the Dodge. He crashed and took 30th this weekend. =( )

update. Abridged version.

Wednesday: prostitution talk on cement. tranvestites in sf. do you know that for a fact?

Thursday: bok choy. shrimp, peeled and deveined. life as we know it.

Friday: Bridal shower. Meatballs. Tulle & green stuff archway. Albino pigeons. CHOCOLATE FONDUE FOUNTAIN. Pictures with the chocolate fondue fountain. 'nuff said.

Saturday: creme brulee. bomb ass dim sum. yay pot lady. bachelorette party. we wasted the good surprise on you. jello shots (or half of one). blow up cucumber. sexy tattoos. martini glasses with fluff and rhinestones.

Sunday: how many pieces of flair are you wearing today. canned tomatoes. turtle shaped bread. barbie on a cake. bomb ass buffet. dancing dancing. a six year old dances like that??? ocho ocho & spaghetti dance. toilet paper and small pumpkins. chuck e cheese/starbucks/qcup.

what else?

add + tourettes = sammie girl. bomb ass chinese food. beating four guys in texas hold em. desperate housewives. rice krispy treats? basily pasta

Today (Monday): it's a grind. license plate game. layered jello. spongebob 300. you got me in trouble. dont stare at me.

and more to come. im tired. i have to read about pornography. mooom, do i have to read about pornography???? yay for the Jesuit edumacation.

Everyone on All My Children is pissing me off.