the wonderful world of jengy

a little insight into the complex, iron deficient, teeny mind of mine

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Friday, December 09, 2005

the formal relationship of michael vincent bueno & jengy lim is officially four years old today. it's been a rough year due to some major changes in each of our lives, but we still stand today, quite strong and quite happy. i'm extremely fortunate to have someone like him in my life to show me new things, teach me lessons of love and understanding, and brighten up my day by making me laugh (whether intentionally or not). i love you michael.

in too much information news, i have just drunk most of a 20 oz vitamin water and i have a final in fifty minutes. it has GUARANA, WHOOOO GUARANA. =)

shopping and dinner and chocolate shortcake and legal studies final... i heart my life right now.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I like those 24 hour fitness commercials with Shaq. Hilarious.

Did you see the two hour premiere of Project Runway??! THAT is how a premiere is done! It almost made up for the fact that Nicole is America's Next Top Model, because I was soo rooting for Nik.

Tomorrow: Politics of American Justice final @ noon. Christmas shopping on Irving St. 4 year anniversary dinner with Michael @ House of Prime Rib.

Saturday: Chocolate chip pancakes, visit with the fams.

Sunday: studying!

Monday: studying!

Tuesday: Dance Final (15-18 page paper on dance in the movies, past and present)

Wednesday: Race & Ethnicity in the U.S. Final, open book and/or take home.

Thursday: Politics of American Justice position paper due, 4-6 pages.

Really not as bad as I thought it would be. I sold back two books today and got enough for a grande vanilla latte. Selling back books is capitalism at its worse, man. We're just college students!

But yeah... all my whining about how hard the school year has been is paying off. I still think that it sucks that there are people who hardly go to class and study half as hard as I do and still manage to get the same or even better grade that I do. It's that natural intelligence thing and amazing ability to BS. I can't find the skill to BS in college, yet, and my time is almost up.

Craving... cocoa! One day I will go to New York, visit the Tiffany flagship store, and have Serendipity's frozen hot chocolate. Hooray for one day.

TONIGHT: Diddy's going to make the band!! I'm so excited! Yay for Aubrey, Aundrea, Dominique.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Just kidding. Fifteen pages is the max for my Tuesday paper, but minimum is twelve.

I really want a pandan leaf waffle. Ohhhh, man.

America's Next Top Model marathon! I LOVE IT. I heart VH1 for allowing me to basically watch the whole season in one afternoon while I make my aerobics magazine collage. Teen People really doesn't care if its readers are healthy, did you know that?

I am in desperate need of dessert. I have oreos, but then I'm in that got milk conundrum.

I read my past entries. OUCH. How do you put up with me, talking so much like that about nothing?

Ooh, I just remembered that I have tea and cream and sugar. Hollerrrr.

I want to eat EVERYTHING. And it's really bad, because I actually HAVE EVERYTHING (except pandan leaf waffles) in my kitchen. I stocked up for finals, even though I'm probably going home this weekend. Yeah, I made out like a bandit from my quick visit to Vallejo yesterday.

Yes, Next Top Model is better than watching Food Network when you're pre-menstrual. Except they did talk about food cause they were fighting about who stole whose granola bars and Red Bulls. I say it's either Nik or Nicole. You'd think that's the same person, wouldn't you? It's like talking about Lauren in Laguna Beach, when they're all named Lauren (LC, Lo, Alex H).


I'm the type of person that's always annoyed when other people whine about the weather, because there's nothing you can do about it, you're just complaining for the sake of it. That said, the cold weather makes me rethink my position. I'm really good about keeping quiet about the weather when it's... say, 55-96 degrees. That's like what, a forty one degree range that I'm content with? It is below 55 and there are big ass windows in my room on three ways, including the two that surround my bed... somebody call the WAAAH-bulance, stat.

I have the most wonderful boyfriend because he drove for SEVEN MILES to find parking... that's around and around and around... for like, almost an hour, I think. bc I have to attend an event at school when two other major events are happening on campus and there is no parking. but yes, he was wonderful, patient, good sport, all that jaazzz. so big ups to my boy.

it'll be FOUR YEARS on Friday, 12/9. Do I officially get to call him my high school sweetheart now? if he makes it for two more semesters, he'll be my college sweetheart too... I know we talk like we're all old but then there's no telling that to my sister, who is approaching thirty in a few years and she ain't havin that.

my fridge is packed. awesome. i only have class three times this week. but then i have a paper and a final. hell week is next week, with all of the jazz due.

i can feel all the heat (which i almost spelled "heet". WOW, im HELLA collegiate) escaping through my head and my nose is cold. burger king is selling the cherry white snow icees. awesome. does anyone else remember mondo, the imitation of the squeeze its?

ohhh crap. i have a quiz on monday. i need to remember that. that wouldnt be good to forget.

while i slept on my stomach, michael's cat slept on my neck last night. it was heavy but warm. and it purred.

im going to be an old lady and go to sleep now. GOODNIGHT.